Late Upper Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers in the Central Mediterranean: New archaeological and genetic data from the Late Epigravettian burial Oriente C (Favignana, Sicily)

Autore: Catalano Giulio, Lo Vetro Domenico, Fabbri Pier Francesco, Swapan Mallick, Reiche David, Rohland Nadin, Sineo Luca, Mathieson Iain, Martini Fabio Anno: 2020

Late Upper Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers in the Central Mediterranean: New archaeological and genetic data from the Late Epigravettian burial Oriente C (Favignana, Sicily) - di Catalano Giulio, Lo Vetro Domenico, Fabbri Pier Francesco, Swapan Mallick, Reiche David, Rohland Nadin, Sineo Luca, Mathieson Iain, Martini Fabio - in Quaternary International 537 (2020) 24–32

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Associazione Culturale EgadiMythos
c/o Russo Vincenzo Strada Comunale Ingorda n. 1 - Favignana
P. IVA 93044020811

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