Application of Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS) to the analysis of archaeological ceramic amphorae belonging to the Carthaginian fleet that was defeated in the Egadi battle (241 B.C.)

Autore: Rosa Pitonzo, Francesco Armetta, Maria Luisa Saladino, Eugenio Caponetti, Francesca Oliveri, Sebastiano Tusa Anno: 2017

Application of Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS) to the analysis of archaeological ceramic amphorae belonging to the Carthaginian fleet that was defeated in the Egadi battle (241 B.C.) - di Rosa Pitonzo, Francesco Armetta, Maria Luisa Saladino, Eugenio Caponetti, Francesca Oliveri, Sebastiano Tusa - in ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X September 2017, Volume 6, Number 3, 67-70

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Associazione Culturale EgadiMythos
c/o Russo Vincenzo Strada Comunale Ingorda n. 1 - Favignana
P. IVA 93044020811

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