L'isole piv famose del mondo descritte da Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione ...Girolamo Porro Padovano

Autore: Porcacchi Da Castiglione, Thomaso Anno: 1576

foto L'isole piv famose del mondo descritte da Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione ...Girolamo Porro Padovano

Author: Porcacchi Da Castiglione, Thomaso
Title: L'isole piv famose del mondo descritte da Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione ...Girolamo Porro Padovano
Description: An early Italian atlas describing "the most famous islands" of both the old and new worlds. Accompanying the island views are a map of North America and city maps including Venice and the newly discovered Mexico City . A detailed world map can be found towards the end of the book, followed by another world map with rhumb lines and other navigational aids.
Verified Date: 1576

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