A new map of Italy

Autore: Cary, John Anno: 1799

foto A new map of Italy

Author : Cary, John, ca. 1754-1835
Date : 1799
Short Title : Italy.
Publisher : John Cary - Publisher Location : London
Type : Atlas Map - Obj Height cm : 46 - Obj Width cm : 52 - Scale 1 : 3,000,000
Note : Engraved map. Boundaries in outline hand col. Relief shown pictorially. Includes also western part of the Balkan Peninsula and Malta. "18" pasted on verso.
Full Title : A new map of Italy, including the islands of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica with the post roads. From the latest authorities. By John Cary, engraver, 1799. London: Published by J. Cary, Engraver & Map-seller, No. 181, Strand, Augst. 1, 1799.
Publication Author : Cary, John, ca. 1754-1835 - Pub Date : 1808

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