Chemical composition and nutritional value of some marine species from the Egadi Islands

Autore: Reale Alessandra, Ziino Marisa, Ottolenghi Francesca, Pelusi Paolo, Romeo Vincenza, Condurso Concetta, Sanfilippo Marilena Anno: 2006

"Chemical composition and nutritional value of some marine species from the Egadi Islands" di Alessandra Reale, Marisa Ziino, Francesca Ottolenghi, Paolo Pelusi, Vincenza Romeo, Concetta Condurso, Marilena Sanfilippo in Chemistry and Ecology - August 2006, Vol. 22 (Supplement 1), pp. S173–S179
abstract Information available on the chemical composition and nutritional value of marine species harvested from the Mediterranean Sea is very limited. In this study, the target species were Scorpaena porcus, Scorpaena scrofa, Palinurus elephas, and Sepia officinalis, selected among those with the greatest commercial value and caught using local traditional gear. Samples were analysed for moisture, ash, protein, total lipid content, and for fatty acid percentage distribution. All the species showed high amounts of proteins (mean value 18.15%) and can be considered lean (fat content <3%), with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-3 series. Significant differences (P <0.05) were observed among the different species for some of the most representative fatty acids. All species (except S. officinalis) had a good value for the prevention of cardiac illnesses as can be deduced from their low atherogenic and thrombogenic indexes. Keywords: Egadi Islands; Chemical composition; Nutritional value; Atherogenic index; Thrombogenic Index

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Associazione Culturale EgadiMythos
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