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Soils Embrace Life and Universe                                                                                                            The 20th World Congress of Soil Science
                                                                                           June 8~13, 2014  Jeju, Korea

        [C3.2-1] B: Soil Erosion and Degradation on Agriculture Land

                          The Soil Erosion Risk Map of the Sicilian Region (1:250,000 Scale)

                                     Maria Fantappie , Simone Priori  and Edoardo Costantini

                Agrobiology and Pedology Research Center, Consiglio per la Ricerca e la sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Italy
                              CRA-ABP, Consiglio per la ricerca e la sperimentazione in agricoltura, Italy

        Assessing the risk areas  of soil erosion  by water at the regional level is relevant for current and  future land planning  of
        environmental actions to combat land degradation. The gravity of the risk is not only depending on the rate of soil erosion by water,
        but also on other factors, primarily soil depth and rock weatherability. The map of the soil erosion risk in the Sicilian region,

        expressed in terms of years to a complete loss of the fertile soil cover, is here presented as a methodological model. The degree of
        risk was not only estimated in function of the rate of soil erosion by water, but also of the depth of the fertile part of the profile, and
        of the weatherability degree of the underlying bedrock.

        Keywords : Risk assessment, soil thematic strategy, geomorphology, geology, soil formation rate, Sicily
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