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8/1/2018                                          Bupleurum dianthifolium

                                       Bupleurum dianthifolium


          Latin name            Bupleurum dianthifolium Guss.
          Common names          Bupleuro di Marettimo (Italian); Hare’s-ear of Marettimo (English)

          Family                Apiaceae

          Status                VULNERABLE (VU)
          Island                Sicily (Italy)

                                    Sicily | Bupleurum dianthifolium

         Where is it found ?

         This plant is endemic to Marettimo, the westernmost island of the Egadi archipelago and of all Sicily. Approximately 300-
         500 individuals form ca.13 nuclei scattered over an EOO of 1.2 km . The plants are mostly located on the north-facing
         calcareous cli s (Habitat 13.1: Sea cli s and Rocky O shore Islands) of the island, between 20 and 600 m a.s.l., being able
         to colonize rock crevices thanks to their deep root system. The species is part of a chasmophilous plant community which
         is  very  rich  in  endemic  plants  such  as  Asperula  rupestris,  Dianthus  rupicola  subsp.  rupicola,  Glandora  rosmarinifolia,
         Oncostema  hughii,  Pseudoscabiosa  limonifolia,  Seseli  bocconei,  etc.  Frequent  mists  and  regular  dew  probably  play  an
         important role as regular sources of water input.

         How to recognize it ?

         Bupleurum dianthifolium is  a  small,  evergreen  cushion-shaped  shrub  with  below-ground  regenerating  buds.  The  leaves,
         crowded at the tip of almost lea ess  owering stems up to 40 cm long, are linear-lanceolate (2.5-3 × 25-32 cm) and often
         sickle-shaped; the blade is also characterized by a revolute margin and 3-5 parallel veins. The compound in orescences are
         small  umbels  with  (3)4-6(8)  rays.  The  species  usually   owers  between  May  and  June  and  the  seeds  ripen  during  the
         following 2-3 months. Pollen vectors are  ies, while fruit dispersal is balistochorous.

         Interesting facts

         B. dianthifolium is the easternmost representative of a group of isolated woody species scattered in the SW Mediterranean
         (Maghreb,  South  Iberian  Peninsula)  and  Macaronesian  islands.  Along  with  its  nearest  relatives,  B.  fruticescens  from  NE
         Spain and B. barceloi, both con ned to similar conservative habitats such as north-facing sea cli s, it has to be considered a
         palaeoendemic species issuing from the evolution of a macrothermic ancestor which might have been more widespread in
         the past.

         Why is it threatened ?
         Being restricted to a single habitat and as its scattered population is only present on an AOO of 12 km , the species has
         been categorized as VU (Vulnerable) according to IUCN Red List criteria D1 + D2. In fact, no decline in EOO, AOO, extent or
         quality of habitat, number of locations, number of mature individuals, has been observed during the regular  eld surveys
         carried  out  during  last  ten  years.  Despite  growing  on  almost  inaccessible  cli s,  its  survival  is  threatened  with  wild res
         (threat 7.1.1: Fire and  re suppression - Increase in  re frequency/intensity) and its spread is limited by overgrazing due to                                                                  1/3
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