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Biodiversity Journal, 2017, 8 (2): 643–645                               MONOGRAPH

                 First assessment of the epifauna associated with macroalgae
                 of the vermetid reef along the coasts of Favignana Island

                 (South Tyrrhenian Sea)

                 Maria Giulia Giangrasso Paolo Balistreri & Anna Maria Mannino 1
                 1 Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche Chimiche e Farmaceutiche, Università di Palermo, Via Archirafi 38, 90123
                 Palermo, Italy
                 2 Vicolo Giotto 6, 91023 Favignana, Italy
                 * Corresponding author, email:

                 ABSTRACT          With this study we provide a first baseline assessment of the epifauna associated with the
                                   macroalgae of the vermetid reefs present along the coasts of the Island of Favignana (Egadi
                                   Islands Marine Protected Area, Italy). A total of 14 taxa were identified. Epifaunal assem-
                                   blages differed according to structure and composition of algal communities. The amphipod
                                   group presented the highest number of individuals. The tubicolous species Ampithoe ramondi
                                   Audouin, 1826 (Ampithoidae) was the most abundant species.

                 KEY WORDS         Fauna biodiversity; Favignana Island; macroalgae; southern Tyrrhenian Sea; vermetid reef.
                 Received 30.04.2017; accepted 31.05.2017; printed 30.06.2017
                 Proceedings of the 17 International Colloquium on Amphipoda (17 ICA), September 4 -7 2017, Trapani (Italy)

                 INTRODUCTION                                 blages (Jones & Thornber, 2010). The aim of this
                                                              study was to analyse the epifauna associated with
                   Vermetid reefs are bioconstructions built up by  the macroalgae inhabiting the out margin of the
                 the  gastropod  mollusc  Dendropoma  cristatum  vermetid reefs along the coasts of Favignana Island
                 (Biondi, 1859) (Vermetidae) in association with  (Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area). A recent
                 some coralline algae such as Neogoniolithon bras-  analysis of the vermetid reefs along the coasts of
                 sica-florida (Harvey) Setchell et Mason. In Sicily,  Favignana Island displayed at least three local pat-
                 large and more or less continuous vermetid reefs  terns (Balistreri et al., 2015). Since the outer mar-
                 are  present  along  the  entire  coast  facing  north/  gin  of  the  diverse  typologies  was  inhabited  by
                 northwest between Zafferano Cape and the coast  different  macroalgal  communities,  we  hypothe-
                 of Trapani with the Marine Protected Area (MPA)  sized that epifaunal assemblages differed in rela-
                 “Egadi Islands” (Chemello, 2009). These biocon-  tion to the structure and composition of macroalgal
                 structions play a fundamental structural role, as  community. We report here the first results of this
                 they protect coasts from erosion, regulate sediment  study.
                 transport and accumulation, serve as carbon sinks,
                 make the habitat more complex and heterogeneous
                 and provide numerous habitats for animal and veg-  MATERIAL AND METHODS
                 etal species thus increasing intertidal biodiversity
                 (Chemello, 2009). Macroalgae may have an impor-  The study was carried out in summer 2016 in
                 tant role in structuring associated epifaunal assem-  ten areas chosen along the coasts of Favignana Is-
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