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Growth processes, dimensional parameters and scaling relationships of two conjugate sets of compacti ... |
Processi di fagliazione nei grainstones carbonatici porosi: implicazioni per la caratterizzazione de ... |
Hydraulic properties of fault zones in porous carbonates, examples from central and southern Italy – ... |
Cenozoic collisional and extensional structures among Sardinia, Sicily and Tunisia (Central Mediterr ... |
Probable root structures and associated trace fossils from the Lower Pleistocene calcarenites of Fav ... |
Semi-submerged sea caves in the central Mediterranean sea: the Geoswim database - di Vaccher V., Fur ... |
Multiproxy assessment of Holocene relative sea-level changes in the western Mediterranean: Sea-level ... |
Rates of active compressional deformation in central Italy and Sicily: evaluation of the seismic bud ... |
Sicily Channel/Tunisian Plateau: Topography, circulation and their effects on biological component – ... |
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