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"Sedimentology and 3D architecture of a bioclastic calcarenite complex on Favignana, southern Italy: ... |
"I siti estrattivi dell´isola di Favignana " - pag. 26-27 da Dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria del ... |
"Egadi Islands – Marettimo, Levanzo & Favignana Mapmistress " - “Egadi at the Last Glacial” – “Egadi ... |
The southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin: An example of lithospheric scale strike-slip duplex - di Gueguen ... |
Rates of active compressional deformation in central Italy and Sicily: evaluation of the seismic bud ... |
"Hydrocarbon Systems in the Onshore and Offshore Sicilian Fold and Thrust Belt: New Constraints from ... |
“Lower Pleistocene deposits in east part of the Favignana Island, Sicily, Italy ” - di Ślą ... |
"Reservoir Modelling of a Bioclastic Calcarenite Complex on Favignana, Southern Italy: The Applicati ... |
Geometry and facies distribution of a biocalcarenitic wedge; Favignana Island, Sicily, Italy - Geoph ... |
Sismicità e tettonica recente in Sicilia Nord-Occidentale e nel Tirreno Meridionale per un modello s ... |
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