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Cosmographia by Ptolemy - 1482 Edition Notes: Title and imprint from Goff and ISTC. Colophon: Clavdi ... |
Autore: PTOLEMY, Titolo: GEOGRAPHIA - Italy, ca. 1480 Atlas of the world from Western Europe and Afr ... |
Author: Ptolemy, C. / Munster, Sebastian Title: Geographia Vniversalis, vetus et nova, compledctens ... |
Autor: Ptolomeo, Claudio Münster, Sebastian-1489-1552- Gastaldi, Giacomo-ca.1500-ca.1565- Mattioli, ... |
Autor: Ptolomeo, Claudio Título: Cosmographia Iacobo Angeli interprete Tipo de Documento Manuscrito ... |
Ptolomeo, Claudio - Holle, Lienhart Título: Cosmographia (latine) interprete Jacobo Angelo Il manos ... |
Autor: Ptolomeo, Claudio Mercator, Gerard-1512-1594- Kempen, Gottfried von- Título: Geographiae Libr ... |
Author: Ram, Johannes de Regni Siciliae et insulae Maltae et Gozae, cum circumjacentibus insulis Pub ... |
Creator Ricci, Matteo, 1552-1610 Publication Information Beijing, China - Language Chinese Place Wor ... |
Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio: Karte vom Königreich Neapel, heute Italien, 1:110 000, Kupferstich, ... |
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