Mare e Natura

Ordine alfabetico | Ordina per anno

Autore: de Montmollin Bertrand, Strahm Wendy Anno: 2005
The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants - Wild plants at the brink of extinction,and what is needed to save them

"The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants - Wild plants at the brink of extinction,and what is needed ...


Autore: De Quatrefages A. Anno: 1857
The rambles of a naturalist - on the coasts of France, Spain, and Sicily. - chap. V. - The coasts of Sicily - Trapani - the Islands of Favignana

" The rambles of a naturalist - on the coasts of France, Spain, and Sicily. - chap. V. - The coasts ...


Autore: de Santoli Livio, Albo Angelo, Garcia Davide Astiaso, Bruschi Daniele, Cumo Fabrizio Anno: 2014
A preliminary energy and environmental assessment of a micro wind turbine prototype in natural protected areas

A preliminary energy and environmental assessment of a micro wind turbine prototype in natural prote ...


Autore: Dedola Gěan Luca Anno: 2011
Analisi della variabilitŕ genetica di Patella Férruginea, Patella Ulyssiponensis (Mollusca: Gastropoda) e Pinna Nobilis (Mollusca: Bivalvia): ll contributo dei dati molecolari alla conservazione di specie minacciate

Analisi della variabilitŕ genetica di Patella Férruginea, Patella Ulyssiponensis (Mollusca: Gastropo ...


Autore: Deidun A., Schembri P.J. Anno: 2006
Composition of the nocturnal motile fauna from the upper infralittoral fringe of sandy beaches in the maltese islands: are there any implications for conservation?

Composition of the nocturnal motile fauna from the upper infralittoral fringe of sandy beaches in th ...


Autore: Deidun Alan, Marrone Federico, Sparacio Ignazio, Arculeo Marco, Curatolo Tiziana, Sciberras Arnold, Sciberras Jeffrey, Lo Brutto Sabrina Anno: 2011
Morphological variability in and distributional data on Phaleria bimaculata populations from islands of the Central Mediterranean area

Morphological variability in and distributional data on Phaleria bimaculata populations from islands ...


Autore: Delicado Diana, Machordom Annie, Ramos Marian A. Anno: 2015
Effects of habitat transition on the evolutionary patterns of the microgastropod genus Pseudamnicola (Mollusca, Hydrobiidae)

Effects of habitat transition on the evolutionary patterns of the microgastropod genus Pseudamnicola ...


Autore: Dell´Angelo Bruno, Lombardi Claudio, Taviani Marco Anno: 1998
Chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) collected during cruise CS96 in the Strait of Sicily

Chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) collected during cruise CS96 in the Strait of Sicily – di Dell&ac ...


Autore: Dell’angelo Bruno, Oliverio Marco Anno: 1996
A new Polyplacophoran Subgenus for the Northeast Atlantic (Ischnochitonidae:Callistoplacinae)

A new Polyplacophoran Subgenus for the Northeast Atlantic (Ischnochitonidae:Callistoplacinae) – di ...


Autore: Delongueville Christiane Anno: 2014
Inventaire des mollusques présents dans le tube digestif d’un Spatangus purpureus O.F. Müller, 1776 ŕ Favignana (Iles Egades - Sicile - Italie)

Inventaire des mollusques présents dans le tube digestif d’un Spatangus purpureus O.F. Müller, 1776 ...


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Associazione Culturale EgadiMythos
c/o Russo Vincenzo Strada Comunale Ingorda n. 1 - Favignana
P. IVA 93044020811

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