Mare e Natura

Ordine alfabetico | Ordina per anno

Autore: Pasquale Raia, Shai Meiri Anno: 2006
The Island rule in large mammals: paleontology meets ecology

The Island rule in large mammals: paleontology meets ecology – di Pasquale Raia, Shai Meiri - in Ev ...


Autore: R. Gertwagen, S. Raicevich, T. Fortibuoni, O. Giovanardi Anno: 2006
Il mare. Com’era

Il mare. Com’era - A cura di: R. Gertwagen, S. Raicevich, T. Fortibuoni, O. Giovanardi - in Le inter ...


Autore: Agostini Nicolantonio, Panuccio Michele, Mellone Ugo, Lucia Giuseppe, Wilson Stephen, Ashton-Booth Jack Anno: 2007
Do migration counts reflect population trends? a case study of the Honey Buzzard Pernis Apivorus

"Do migration counts reflect population trends? a case study of the Honey Buzzard Pernis Apivorus " ...


Autore: Lentini Francesca, Venza Francesca Anno: 2007
Wild food plants of popular use in Sicily

“Wild food plants of popular use in Sicily” - Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine - Journal of ...


Autore: Himes Amber H. Anno: 2007
Fishermen’s opinions of MPA performance in the Egadi Islands Marine Reserve

"Fishermen’s opinions of MPA performance in the Egadi Islands Marine Reserve " - MAST 2007, 5(2):55- ...


Autore: Baghino Luca, Premuda Guido, Gustin Marco, Corso Andrea, Mellone Ugo, Cardelli Carmela Anno: 2007
Exceptional wintering and spring migration of the booted eagle Hieraaetus pennatus in Italy in 2004 and 2005

"Exceptional wintering and spring migration of the booted eagle Hieraaetus pennatus in Italy in 2004 ...


Autore: Hobbs Joe Anno: 2007
Mediterranean Storm-petrel. Marettimo, Egadi Islands, Sicily. 18 April 2007

"Mediterranean Storm-petrel. Marettimo, Egadi Islands, Sicily. 18 April 2007" da: http://www.dutchbi ...


Autore: Sortino Silvia Anno: 2007
I vincoli territoriali delle zone SIC-ZPS

"I vincoli territoriali delle zone SIC-ZPS " - Atti del Convegno - Favignana 12-13 Ottobre 2007: Il ...


Autore: Barbaroux Olivier Anno: 2007
Overfishing - Untangling the fishing nets

"Overfishing - Untangling the fishing nets" - research*eu European Union’s research magazine - Dece ...


Autore: Sarà G., Dean J. M., D’Amato D., Buscaino G., Oliveri A., Genovese S., Ferro S., Buffa G., Lo Martire M., Mazzola S. Anno: 2007
Effect of boat noise on the behaviour of bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus in the Mediterranean Sea

"Effect of boat noise on the behaviour of bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus in the Mediterranean Sea" - M ...


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Associazione Culturale EgadiMythos
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