n° rif |
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Autore/descrizione |
40 |
Al Idrisi La delizia di chi desidera attraversare la terra ( arabo: نزهة المشتاق في اختراق الآفاق, Nuzhat al-mushtāq fi'khtirāq al-āfāq), generalmente detto Libro di re Ruggero (arabo: كتاب روجر, Kitab Rugar), è una descrizione del mondo scritta dal geografo arabo al Idrisi nel 1154, cui è allegato il mappamondo in 70 fogli noto come Tabula Rogeriana. Al-Idrisi lavorò sul testo e sulla carta geografica per quindici anni alla corte del re normanno Ruggero II di Sicilia che gli aveva commissionato l'opera intorno al 1138· Il libro, scritto in arabo, segue la divisione in sette zone climatiche (secondo il sistema stabilito da Tolomeo), ognuna ulteriormente suddivisa in dieci sezioni, e contiene delle carte geografiche che mostrano il mondo allora conosciuto: l'Europa, l'Asia quasi per intero, e l'Africa a nord dell'equatore. La carta è orientata con il sud in alto ed il nord in basso. La Tabula Rogeriana è rimasta il mappamondo più preciso per tre secoli. Il testo riprende la descrizione della situazione fisica, culturale, politica e socio-economica di ciascuna regione e ciascuna delle settanta sezioni ha una cartina corrispondente. Per elaborare la sua opera al-Idrisi interrogò, individualmente o a gruppi, viaggiatori esperti a proposito delle loro conoscenze del mondo. Nel libro inserì tuttavia solo le notizie su cui c'era accordo completo e perciò ritenute credibili, omise invece ciò su cui vi fosse disaccordo. L'esemplare destinato a Ruggero era inciso su di un disco d'argento pesante circa trecento libbre. Esso è andato perduto perché fuso dopo esser stato predato in occasione d'una sommossa contro il sovrano normanno Guglielmo I di Sicilia nel marzo 1161. L'originale del mappamondo era inciso su di una lastra d'argento larga 3,32 metri ed alta 1,48, anch'esso perduto. Oggi sopravvivono dieci manoscritti della Tabula Rogeriana, di cui cinque hanno il testo completo e otto hanno le carte. Due di essi si trovano alla Bibliothèque nationale de France, la più antica delle quali è datata circa 1325 (MS Arabe 2221). Un'altra copia, fatta al Cairo nel 1553, si trova alla Bodleian Library di Oxford (Mss. Pococke 375) che la comprò nel 1692. Il manoscritto più completo, che contiene la totalità del testo, il mappamondo, nonché tutte le settanta carte delle sezioni, è conservato ad Istanbul[4]. Altre copie si trovano al Cairo ed a San Pietroburgo. |
15 | 1320 |
Anonymous nautical chart in portolan style probably drawn in Genoa. Covers Mediterranean Sea from the Balearic Islands to the Levantine coast; also covers western part of Black Sea. Oldest original cartographic artifact in the Library of Congress. Title from printed label on box in which the map is housed. Pen-and-ink (red/green/brown). Matted and mounted between sheets of transparent lucite. Sheet cut into the shape of an irregular rectangle. Imperfect: Vertically fold-lined at center, cracked, annotated in pencil on verso. Includes bar scale with unidentified divisions. The green rhumb lines on the recto are also visible on the verso. LC Nautical charts on vellum 3. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Purchase; Ludwig Rosenthal, Munich; 1914. |
31 |
Abraham Cresques ?, Titre : Atlas de cartes marines, dit [Atlas catalan]. Type : manuscrit - Langue : Catalan Format : Majorque. - Ecriture minuscule. - Décoration : douze peintures à pleine page ; dessin à la plume ; peinture couvrante aux couleurs vives (bleu, vert, orange, mauve, jaune d’or, ocre, rose, rouge) ; plusieurs motifs peints à l’or bruni avec rehauts de couleur, argent bruni. Décors filigranés à motifs de palmettes occupant le fond des schémas circulaires. Dans le texte, lettres d’or bruni à décor filigrané restreint. Encres rouge et violette. - Parchemin. - 6 doubles feuillets de parchemin, collés sur cinq planches de bois (recto et verso) et sur les contreplats en bois de la reliure. - 645 x 250 mm. - Le parchemin des cartes maintenait seul les planches ensemble ; il s’est depuis rompu, si bien que les cartes sont très abîmées en leur milieu. Traces d'eau sur le bord des planches. - Reliure parisienne de veau brun sur ais de bois léger dont le dos a complètement disparu, à décor de fers estampés à froid et dorés, attribuable à l'atelier de Simon Vostre, dit aussi atelier de Louis XII, et datable vers 1515 ; tranches des planchettes dorées et ciselées de losanges et de rinceaux (travail contemporain de la reliure du XVIe siècle). Restaurations de peau au chiffre BN et RF réalisées en 1797 ou en 1803, par le relieur parisien Durand ou par son fils . Restauration moderne de la couvrure de cuir (1991). - Estampille BN récente apposée sur le ms. à l'occasion de la restauration de la reliure en 1991 atlas |
29 |
1401 1420
Titre : Atlas de cartes marines: mer Méditerranée et mer Noire Date d'édition : 1401-1420 Contributeur : Librairie royale de Blois. Ancien possesseur Contributeur : Louis XII. Ancien possesseur Contributeur : bibliothèque des ducs de Milan à Pavie. Ancien possesseur Type : manuscrit Langue : Latin - Format : Venise. - Ecriture italienne. - 7 cartes. - Parchemin. - 7 doubles feuillets collés sur 6 ais de bois et sur les contre-plats de la reliure. - 240 x 150 mm. - Reliure italienne de peau retournée verte du XVe s.sur ais de bois. - Estampille de la Bibliothèque royale (Ancien régime, à partir du XVIIe s.), modèle identique à Josserand-Bruno, p. 264-265, type A n° 1 |
22 | 1436 |
Andrea Bianco. Descrizione:*Carta nautica del Mediterraneo centrale Mat.cartogr.manoscr.] Andrea Bianco. - 1436. - 1 c. geogr. ([tav. 4]) ; 260 x 380 mm (foglio). (Colore: a colori. - Indici: assenti. - Ind. nota ill.: assente. - Proiezione: non applicabile. - Merid. orig.: sconosciuto. -Dim. fisiche: 2-dimensioni. - Imm. cart. prim.: a mano o tracciate. - Supp. fisico: pergam., pelle. - Tecn. creaz.: manoscritto. - Form. ripr.: non riproduzione. -Tipo scala: multipla. - Scala: lineare. -Car. imm.: non-fotografico. - Forma doc. cart.: c. geogr. - Rosa dei venti centrale. Doppia scala lineare grafica. Carta orientata W-E. ) Intestaz.:*Atlante Bianco [Mat.cartogr.manoscr.] / Andrea Bianco. - 1436. - 1 atlante (1 f., 10 tavv. di c. geog.) ; 280 x 395 mm |
30 | 1477 |
Author : Ptolémée, Claude (0100?-0170?) Claudii Ptolemaei Cosmographia [interprete J. Angelo] -opera Dominici de Lapis (Bononiae)-1477 - Publisher : opera Dominici de Lapis (Bononiae) Contributor : Chrysoloras, Manuel (1350?-1415). Traducteur Contributor : Angelo, Jacopo d'. Traducteur Subject : Monde -- Atlas Search all documents with this subject Type : monographie imprimée Language : Latin |
37 | 1478 |
Author: Ptolemy, 2nd century Title in Original Language: Clavdii Ptholemei Alexandrini philosophi Cosmographia Description: Claudius Ptolemaeus (circa 100–circa 170), known as Ptolemy, was an astronomer, mathematician, and geographer of Greek descent who lived and worked in the Egyptian city of Alexandria. In his Geography, Ptolemy gathered all the geographic knowledge possessed by the Greco-Roman world. He used a system of grid lines to plot the latitude and longitude of some 8,000 places on a map that encompassed the known world at the height of the Roman Empire. Ptolemy’s work was lost to Europe in the Middle Ages, but around 1300 Byzantine scholars began introducing copies of his maps and writings into Italy. In 1406, the Italian Jacopo d’Angelo translated the original into Latin. The first printed edition appeared in Rome in 1477, followed a year later by the edition presented here, which contains some of the earliest and finest printed copper engravings. The engravings were begun in Rome by the German Konrad Sweynheym, who, with his partner Arnold Pannartz, founded the first Italian press at Subiaco in 1465. Sweynheym died in 1477, and the engravings and the publication were completed by Arnold Buckinck. The work contains 27 maps, each printed on two separate, facing leaves. Ptolemy’s Geography included major inaccuracies, attributable in part to his miscalculating the size of the Earth, which he believed was smaller than it is. One effect of this miscalculation was to cause Columbus to underestimate the time it would take to reach what he thought was Asia by sailing westward. European explorers gradually completed and corrected Ptolemy’s maps, but the ancient geographer’s methods remained important as a basis for modern cartographic practice. Engraver: Buckinck, Arnold Sweynheim, Konrad, died 1477 Date Created 1478 CE Subject Date Around 100 CE - 199 CE Publication Information Arnold Buckinck, Rome Language Latin |
28 | 1480 |
Title : Atlas de cartes marines de l’océan Atlantique, de la mer Méditerranée et de la mer Noire Date of publication : 1480 Informations détaillées: Manuscrit Format :Italie (Venise ?). - Ecriture italienne, deux mains différentes, une pour les légendes des cartes (. - 1-12. - ), la seconde pour les calendriers (. - 13-14. - ). - . Cartes coloriées (. - 1-12. - ). Coins déco |
16 | 1482 |
Cosmographia by Ptolemy - 1482 Edition Notes: Title and imprint from Goff and ISTC. Colophon: Clavdii Ptolomei viri Alexandrini Cosmographie octavvs et vltimvs liber explicit opvs Donni Nicolai Germani secvndvm Ptolomevm finit. Anno M CCCC LXXXII. Avgvsti vero Kalendas. XVII. Imprssvm [sic] Vlme per ingeniosvm virvm Leonardvm Hol prefati oppidi civis. Latin translation by Jacopo d'Angelo; edited by Nicolaus Germanus. The first edition of Ptolemy printed in Germany and the first edition in which woodcut maps appear. Woodcuts: [4] diagrams, initials, [32] maps. … |
8 |
1505 ca |
Title: Portolan Chart (Old World) Description: Among the geographic manuscripts in the Bavarian State Library is a series of the most important portolan charts that have come down to the present. These charts consist of a single piece of sheepskin with part of the sheep’s neck, showing the outlines of the continents and the names of coastal settlements. The maps include several rose compasses and show landmarks, the distances between which could be determined using a pair of dividers. The maps were an important navigational aid to mariners. The holes in the parchment reveal the points where the chart was fastened to a mast or desk. This precious portolan chart of the Old World from around 1505 was made in Italy, which produced, in Genoa and Venice, two important schools of 16th-century geographers. The map was transferred to the Bavarian State Library from the Cistercian monastery of Aldersbach. It is extraordinary for the precise and detailed knowledge of the mountain chain from Spain to the Urals that it reflects, and for its portrayal of the regions of Africa and Asia, whose exotic masters are depicted along with their surnames. The texts accompanying the chart begin with capital letters and underline the importance of the pilgrimage cities of Jerusalem and Mecca. Date Created: Around 1505 CE |
26 | 1523 |
Cartographer: Pirî Reis, (Gallipoli, tra il 1465 e il 1470 – Il Cairo, 1553-4) Titre : Pîrî Reis. Kitab-i bahriyye (Type : manuscrit) Langue : Turc ottoman (1500-1928) Description : Ce livre, qui a été écrit à l'usage des caboteurs de la Méditerranée, fut dédié par Piri Raïs, en l'année 930 de l'hégire (1523), au sultan Soleïman I, fils de Sultan Selim Ier (folio 2 verso) ; le nom de son auteur, dans le présent exemplaire (folio 2 verso) est donné sous la forme hemshirezade-i Raïs Ghazi Kemal Piri ibn el-Hağğ... Ce manuscrit contient la recension abrégée de la Bahriyye ; il est orné de nombreuses cartes exécutées avec soin, quoique d'une façon schématique ; un exemplaire de la rédaction intégrale est décrit sous le n° 956 ; une traduction, par Cardonne, de la recension contenue dans le présent manuscrit est conservée dans le Fonds français, sous le n° 22972, avec le titre « le Flambeau de la mer Méditerranée ». Portulan de la Méditerranée avec description des côtes et des îles à l'usage des marins, par Pîrî Reis ibn el-Hadj Muhammad. |
17 | 1525 |
Claudii Ptolemaei Geographicae enarrationis libri octo Published 1525 by Iohannes Grieningerus, communibus Iohannis Koberger impensis excudebat in Argentoragi [i.e. Strasbourg] . |
3 | 1525 |
Cartographer: Pirî Reis, (Gallipoli, tra il 1465 e il 1470 – Il Cairo, 1553-4) Title: Book on Navigation - Description: Originally composed in 1525 and dedicated to Sultan Süleyman I (the Magnificent), this great work by Piri Reis (died circa 1555) on navigation was later revised and expanded. Born in about 1470 in Gelibolu (Gallipoli), Piri Reis became an Ottoman admiral, geographer, and cartographer. The present manuscript, made mostly in the late 17th century, is based on the later expanded version and has some 240 exquisitely executed maps and portolan charts. They include a world map with the outline of the Americas (folio 41a) and maps of coastlines, with bays, capes, and peninsulas; islands; mountains; and cities of the Mediterranean basin and the Black Sea. The work starts with a description of the coastline of Anatolia and the islands of the Aegean Sea, the Peloponnese peninsula, and the eastern and western coasts of the Adriatic Sea. It then proceeds to describe the western shores of Italy, southern France, Spain, and North Africa; the eastern Mediterranean; western Anatolia; various islands north of Crete; the Sea of Marmara; the Bosporus; and the Black Sea. The book ends with a map of the shores of the Caspian Sea, on folio 374a. |
25 |
1528 |
Autore: Bordone, Benedetto (Padova 1450 circa -Venezia 1530). Titolo: Sicilia secondo Tolemeo [e] Sicilia secondo moderni Data di pubblicazione: 1528 Formato: c. 24v e 25r ; 132 x 330 mm (linea di cornice) Fa parte di: Libro ... nel qual si ragiona de tutte l'isole del mondo con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, historie, favole, & modi del loro vivere... Lingua: italiano - Soggetto: Eolie, isole Sicilia |
4 | 1539 1560 |
Cartographer: Santa Cruz, Alonso de, 1505-1567 Description: Islario general de todas las islas del mundo (General atlas of all the islands in the world) is the greatest work by Seville cosmographer Alonso de Santa Cruz (1505–67). The atlas was begun during the reign of Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain Charles V and finished in that of his son King Philip II, to whom it was dedicated. It consists of 111 maps representing all the islands and peninsulas of the world, and showing all the discoveries made by European explorers from 1400 to the mid-16th century. |
9 | 1544 |
Cartographer: Agnese, Battista, 1514-1564 Title: Atlas of Battista Agnese Description: Battista Agnese (circa 1500–1564) was an Italian cartographer, born in Genoa, who worked in Venice between 1536 and 1564 and became one of the most important figures in Renaissance cartography. He created approximately 100 manuscript atlases, of which more than 70 are extant, either with his signature or attributed to his school. His atlases, which are considered works of art for their high quality and beauty, are mostly portolan, or nautical, atlases printed on vellum for high-ranking officials or wealthy merchants. This 1544 atlas contains 15 full-page illuminated plates, with detailed maps and geographic figures, in bright colors, decorated with cherubs on clouds. Some of the maps are decorated with traces of gold. The oval mappa mundi has cherubs, or wind heads, in blue and gold clouds, which represent the classical 12 wind points out of which evolved the modern compass points. The most detailed maps show complete coasts, ports, and rivers and were the navigation aids of the day, but they do not generally represent inland features other than towns and cities. The atlas includes an armillary sphere and a finely drawn zodiac chart. |
14 |
Contributor: Agnese, Battista, 1514-1564 Portolan atlas of 9 charts and a world map, etc. Dedicated to Hieronymus Ruffault, Abbot of St. Vaast. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor, on vellum. Each double-page illumination (col. diagrs., col. maps) 21 x 29 cm. Compass rose on inside back cover. "Maps 1, 2, and 10 show America. No. 1 ... Original Format:Maps Date:1544 |
27 |
Auteur : Pirî Reis (1470?-1554). Auteur du texte Titre : Pîrî Reis. Kitab-i bahriyye Langue : Turc ottoman (1500-1928) Description : Ce livre, qui a été écrit à l'usage des caboteurs de la Méditerranée, fut dédié par Piri Raïs, en l'année 930 de l'hégire (1523), au sultan Soleïman I, fils de Sultan Selim Ier (folio 2 verso) ; le nom de son auteur, dans le présent exemplaire (folio 2 verso) est donné sous la forme hemshirezade-i Raïs Ghazi Kemal Piri ibn el-Hağğ... Ce manuscrit contient la recension abrégée de la Bahriyye ; il est orné de nombreuses cartes exécutées avec soin, quoique d'une façon schématique ; un exemplaire de la rédaction intégrale est décrit sous le n° 956 ; une traduction, par Cardonne, de la recension contenue dans le présent manuscrit est conservée dans le Fonds français, sous le n° 22972, avec le titre « le Flambeau de la mer Méditerranée ». Portulan de la Méditerranée avec description des côtes et des îles à l'usage des marins, par Pîrî Reis ibn el-Hadj Muhammad. |
20 |
1554 1556 |
Intestaz.: Agnese, Battista, 1514-1564 Descrizione : *Atlante Mat.cartogr.manoscr.] | Battista Agnese. - s. l. [Venezia] , 1554-1556. - 1 atlante ([38] f. con 35 tavole, col.) ; 460 x 295 mm . - La data di composizione del codice generalmente assunta è quella della sottoscrizione d'autore posta ai ff. 8v-9r, ovvero il 1554; in realtà l'atlante appare formato da tavole composte in anni diversi, compresi almeno fra il 1554 e il 1556 od oltre. - Codice membranaceo, di 37 ff. (1r e 37r-v bianchi) + 1 f. cartaceo doppio, di epoca posteriore, incollato al f. 37r, nel quale vi è copia litografica a colori della carta della Morea posta ai ff. 16v-17r (si tratta di una copia della seconda metà del secolo scorso, preparata per il primo volume dei Monumenta Historiae Hellenicae di Konstantin Sathas). I fogli di pergamena sono doppi, incollati fra loro per il verso, cosicché il numero totale delle pergamene qui riunite è di 74 ff. Il codice misura cm 46 x 29,5; le carte aperte misurano cm 59 x 45 Legatura originale in assi lignee, coperte in marocchino con motivi ornamentali a filetto impressi in oro sui piatti e sul dorso. Intervento di restauro di epoca posteriore alla legatura: il bordo dei piatti è stato sostituito con l'inserimento di cartone ricoperto in pelle di colore diverso (più chiaro) dell'originale, sulla quale sono state rieseguite le impressioni in oro. Iscrizione a penna, di epoca posteriore, sul dorso: "Palnese". Due fermagli a tenone al margine (uno dei quali è mancante del tenone). Sul piatto anteriore, etichetta "R. Biblioteca Marciana N. 23", riferita al fondo dei codici naniani, dal quale il codice proviene. Sul dorso, altra etichetta con l'odierna collocazione topografica del manoscritto: "Manoscritti Marciani 5067". - Alla controguardia anteriore (a sinistra) sono incollati: etichetta con la segnatura completa attuale del codice; ex-libris a stampa di Bernardo Nani: "Bernardus Nanius Nob[ilis] Ven[etus] Ant[onii] Fil[ius]"; ex-libris a stampa della Biblioteca Marciana, con il motto "Custos vel ultor". Sono ancora annotate, a matita e a penna, indicazioni di collocazioni precedenti: "XCVIIII.8", "LXIV.4", "14c16", "IC.8", "XCIX.8", e di quella attuale: "Clas. IV Cod. LXII". A f. 1r annotazione a penna "Vedi l'Autore a c. 10, 14 nota, 21 note, 23 note"; altra annotazione a matita, del Cicogna, al centro del foglio: "L'Autore è veramente Batista Agnese. Così è in un similissimo codice veduto ed esaminato da me E. Cicogna coll'anno 1553. Così pure in alcune tavole simili descritte dal P. ab. Zurla alla fine del secondo volume dell'opera Di Marco Polo e viaggiatori veneziani, e così finalmente leggendo in questo medesimo codice a carta 10, ma una mano e un inchiostro posteriore aggiunse un P e raschiò il g ponendo una l cosicché si leggesse palnese e non agnese". |
1554 1556
Intestaz.: Agnese, Battista, 1514-1564 Intestaz.: *Atlante nautico - - Mediterraneo dalle Baleari alle Egadi . Italia Meridionale e coste albanesi Descrizione : *Atlante nautico [Manoscritto] . - fine 15. sec.-inizio 16. sec. - 8 c. Atlante nautico, fine sec. XV - inizio sec. XVI. Atlante di 8 cc. che misurano cm 40 x 58, ad eccezione della prima, che è ripiegata e misura cm 56,5 x 79 |
38 |
Auteur : Le Testu, Guillaume (1509-1572). Cartographe Titre : Cosmographie universelle, selon les navigateurs tant anciens que modernes / par Guillaume Le Testu, pillotte en la mer du Ponent, de la ville francoyse de Grâce Date d'édition : 1555 - Europe centrale et méridionale Sujet : Cartes portulans - Europe centrale et méridionale Type : document cartographique,document cartographique manuscrit,image fixe Langue : Français Format : 1 atlas (118 p.) : 57 pl. ms. col. ; 55 x 40 cm |
43 |
Auteur : Homem, Diogo (1520-1576). Cartographe Titre : Atlas nautique de la Mer Méditerranée, de la Mer Noire et de l'Océan Atlantique nord-est - Diegus Home cosmographus me fecit ano salutis 1559 Date d'édition : 1559 Sujet : Cartes portulans, Armoiries, Pavillons, Méditerranée, Mer, Roses des vents Type : document cartographique,document cartographique manuscrit,image fixe Langue : Français Format : 8 cartes : ms sur vélin, ffles enluminées ; 44 x 58, 6 cm, collées dos à dos et réunies dans une reliure maroquin rouge brun, décor de filets à froid et or et petits fers or. Au centre du plat supérieur, un médaillon portant la mention Dome/nego/Dirosi ; au centre du plat inférieur, un écu vide
13 |
Cartographer: Diogo Homem (1521–1576) Title: Carta del navigare / del s. Giacomo Home[m] portughese ... ; Claudi Ducheti formis.
6 | 1569 |
Cartographer: Forlani, Paolo - (attivo a Venezia tra il 1560 ed il 1574) Mediterranean Sea Region 1569 Description: This portolan chart by the prominent Italian cartographer and engraver Paolo Forlani is the first sea chart engraved and printed on copperplate. Forlani was born in Verona but flourished in Venice in 1560–74. Most of his maps appeared under the imprint of other publishers, including Giovanni Francesco Camocio, Ferrando Bertelli, and Bolognini Zaltieri in Venice and Claudio Duchetti in Rome―members of the Lafreri school of cartography, some of whose printing plates were still used well into the 17th century. Nominally a map of the Mediterranean Sea region, the map extends as far west as Ireland and north to much of Russia and the Black Sea (labeled as Mare Maggiore). The word portolan derives from portolano, meaning “related to ports or harbors.” Portolan charts were often simple coastal outlines used in navigation with few, if any, inland features shown. The straight lines crisscrossing the chart represent the 32 directions, or headings, of the mariner’s compass from a given point. Coastal place-names are written on the land side of the coastline so as not to obscure possible maritime dangers. Areas of political control are indicated by different colors along the coastline and in some cases by shading of the interior |
19 |
Antonio Lafreri, o Antoine Lafréry (Salins, 1512 – Roma, 1577) Intestaz.:Atlante Lafreri [Mat.cartogr. stampa] . - sec. 16-sec. 18. - 1 atlante ([4] cc. , 69 tavv. di c. geog.) ; 560 x 430 Descrizione : *Sicilia insularum omnium (ut inquit Diodorus), optima, et Mediterranei Maris maxima... [Mat.cartogr. stampa] . - Scala di 100 miglia = 170 mm [scala ca. 1: 946.673]. - sec. 16. - 1 c. geogr. ([tav. 50]) ; 370 x 495 mm (linea di cornice). (Colore: monocromo. - Indici: assenti. - Ind. nota ill.: assente. - Proiezione: non applicabile. - Merid. orig.: sconosciuto. -Dim. fisiche: 2-dimensioni. - Imm. cart. prim.: a mano o tracciate. - Supp. fisico: carta. - Tecn. creaz.: a stampa. - Form. ripr.: non riproduzione. - Forma pubbl.: legato in volume. -Tipo scala: singola. - Scala: lineare. -Car. imm.: non-fotografico. - Forma doc. cart.: c. geogr. - Gallo 1954, n. 54. ) |
33 | 1571 |
Author : Bertelli, Donato Title : Il Mediterraneo orientale Publisher : appresso Donato Berteli (In Venetia) Date of publication : 1571 Subject : Europe -- Sud-Est Type : document cartographique,carte,image fixe Language : Italian, Donato.langEN |
42 |
Titre : Portulan exécuté à Venise, par Diogo Homem, cosmographe portugais. Date d'édition : 1572 Langue : Portugais Format : Vélin. - 8 feuillets. - 348 × 240 mm. - reliure de maroquin aux armes de Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Portugais 45 Description : Atlas portulan contenant sept cartes. La première donne le nord-ouest de l'Espagne, l'ouest et le nord-ouest de la France, la mer du Nord et le commencement de la Baltique, la Grande-Bretagne et l'Irlande ; la seconde, l'Afrique du nord-ouest jusqu'au cap Boiador, le sud-ouest, ouest et nord-ouest de la péninsule Ibérique ; la troisième, le nord de l'Afrique, l'Espagne, les îles de la Méditerranée, l'Italie occidentale et le sud de la France ;
41 |
Auteur : Homem, Diogo (1520-1576). Cartographe Titre : Atlas de la Mer Méditerranée, de la Mer Noire et de l'Océan Atlantique nord-est. Diegus homé Cosmographus Lusitanus fecit venettis ano apartu Virginis 1574 Date d'édition : 1574 Sujet : Cartes portulans Sujet : Méditerranée, Mer Sujet : Roses des vents Type : document cartographique,document cartographique manuscrit,image fixe Format : 7 cartes, collées dos à dos : ms. col sur vélin ; 53,5 x 66,5 cm en une reliure vélin 40 x 26, 5 cm dont le plat inférieur manque
24 |
Autor: Tiburzio Spannocchi, noto in Spagna come Tiburcio Spanoqui (Siena, 1543 – Madrid, 1606) Título: Descripción de las marinas de todo el reino de Sicilia con otras importantes declaraciones notadas por el Cavallero Tiburcio Spanoqui, del Ábito de San Juan, Gentilhombre de la Casa de Su Magestad ; dirigido al Príncipe Don Filipe Nuestro Señor, en el año de MDXCVI Fecha 1578 Datos de edición 1578 Tipo de Documento Manuscrito Materia Costas - Sicilia Fortificaciones - Sicilia - Historia Texto escrito en 1578 (h. 5v. y 12); la fecha de la portada, posterior, está corregida Dos foliaciones; la original, en romanos con algunos saltos, empieza en h. 23 y coincide con el texto italiano, excepto en h. 54v -55r. En blanco las h. 13 -18 y 92 -101. Trozo de papel pegado en h. 10, con dibujos y las equivalencias de las medidas Cuadro estadístico de 4 h. pleg., encrito solo en el recto, con la: Descripción de las marinas del Reino de Sicilia, assí de la cantidad de los vecinos de cada pueblo, como de las millas y sus guardias, castillos, torres y gasto de todo, como parece por el cálculo al pie deste papel, fecho en el año de MDLXXVIII En la portada, escudo de Felipe II, en color. Mapa de Sicilia pleg., en h. 19 -20. Cuarenta y tres mapas, vistas y planos en color a la aguada Texto en español e italiano, alternando hasta la h. 55; en h. 56 -91, en italiano. Dos tipos de letra; uno para cada lengua A cura di Rosario Trovato. Catania, 1993 (la descrizione delle Egadi da pag. 180 a pag. 185) |
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1580 |
Cartographer:Dourado, Fernando Vaz, 16th century Title: Atlas with Portolan Charts of the Old World and New World, 1580 Description:This atlas of portolan charts of the old and the new worlds consists of 16 double leaves made from fine white parchment, bound in costly red morocco leather (made from fine goatskin) with gold ornaments in oriental style. The important Portuguese mariner, cartographer, and painter Fernão Vaz Dourado is thought to have made the atlas in 1580, near the end of his life. It belongs to a class of late-16th-century cartographic masterpieces, which reflect the period’s rising demand for cartographic works that were both visually impressive and useful for practical navigation. The atlas was commissioned by the Portuguese crown and produced in Goa, western India, where Dourado spent his last years. The geographical scope of the atlas extends from South America to the Persian Empire, to China (where Canton is named), to Java and New Guinea, and to North America. The charts are remarkable for their narrative wealth. In the regions displayed, natives are portrayed wearing no clothes, with attributes thought to be typical, while busy hunting, gathering food, or carrying out other activities representative of their respective countries as portrayed in Western literary works. The conquerors, in contrast, appear on horseback, wearing hats and suits. The map of Africa contains what most likely is a pictorial allusion to the battle between the Portuguese and Moors near Ksar el-Kebir (Alcazarquivir, Morocco) in 1578. The two riders clad in characteristic costumes and carrying banners may represent the main protagonists in the battle, King Sebastião I of Portugal and Sultan Abd Al-Malik of Morocco (shown wearing a turban). The atlas was transferred from Polling Abbey (Upper Bavaria), when it was dissolved in 1803, to the Munich Court Library, which became the Bavarian State Library, where it has remained ever since. |
44 |
Auteur : Martines, Joan (1556-1590). Cartographe Titre : Atlas nautique du monde composé de sept cartes manuscrites sur vélin [signé] Joan Martines en Messina, anny 1582 Date d'édition : 1582 Sujet : Cartes portulans, Monde, Atlas, Roses des vents Type : document cartographique, document cartographique manuscrit,image fixe Langue: Latin Format : 1 Atlas de 7 cartes (10 feuillets) : ms. col. sur vélin ; 40, 5 x 58 cm, reliées en 1 vol. 43,5 x 31,5 cm, Joan |
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1584 |
Intestaz.: Bertius, Petrus Descrizione : *Theatri geographiae veteris.Tomus posterior in quo itinerarium Antonini Imperatoris terrestre & maritimum, Provinciarum Romanarum Libellus... Edente P. Bertio [Mat.cartogr. stampa] / Petrus Bertius. - Amstelodami [Amsterdam] : Ex officina Iudoci Hondij , 1619. - [4], [154] ; 425 x 280 mm . - Frontespizio inciso: portale allegorico con il motto "Geographia oculis historiarum". Paginazione: pp. 1-46: numerazione a stampa, pp. 47-61: numerazione del bibliotecario, poi la numerazione ricomincia a stampa a p. 1 a 20, mentre le pp. 21-92 sono numerate dal bibiotecario. Contenuto del secondo tomo : i due itinerarii di Antonino il Pio e la riproduzione della Tabula Peutingeriana in 4 tavole doppie, e il Parergon (atlante storico del mondo antico) in 14 tavole di Ortelio. |
10 | 1587 |
Title: Theater of the World Creator: Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598 - Date Created: 1587 CE Description: The Flemish scholar and geographer Abraham Ortelius (1527–98) published the first edition of his Theatrum orbis terrarum (Theater of the world) in 1570. Containing 53 maps, each with a detailed commentary, it is considered the first true atlas in the modern sense: a collection of uniform map sheets and accompanying text bound to form a book for which copper printing plates were specifically engraved. The 1570 edition was followed by editions in Latin, Dutch, French, German, and Spanish, with an ever-increasing number of maps. It is not known who engraved and printed the maps, but for printing the typographical parts of the atlases Ortelius commissioned a series of Antwerp printers: initially Aegidius Coppens van Diest, followed by Aegidius Radeus in 1575, and in 1579–89 Christopher Plantin (1520–89). Shown here is the French edition of 1587, which contains the same maps as the Latin edition of 1584. For printing the texts, Plantin charged Ortelius 177 florins in June-July of 1587. Plantin was an influential Renaissance humanist and printer. A native of France, he settled in Antwerp around 1549, where he worked first as a bookbinder and, in 1555, established his own publishing house, De Gulden Passer (The golden compasses). Plantin produced many important religious, humanistic, and scientific books, including the famous Biblia Polyglotta (Polyglot Bible) of 1568–73. |
5 | 1587 |
Cartographer: Martines, Joan, 1556–1590 Description: This manuscript atlas by Joan Martines, cosmographer to King Philip II of Spain, dated 1587, represents the combination of two cartographic schools that existed at the time of its creation. The older one was the traditional school of Majorca, which specialized in decorative portolan maps that by this time were obsolete with regard to the geographic information they conveyed. The newer one was the cartographic school of the Low Countries, which applied Renaissance principles and used different forms of cartographic representation based on new concepts in astronomy, mathematics, and geography to produce maps containing more information than the traditional portolans. The atlas consists of 19 maps, each on two pages, with the drawings occupying nearly the length of the pages and framed by edgings of different colors. Place-names are given in Gothic letters, in red and black ink, and in Roman small capitals. There are six nautical charts, 11 regional maps, and two maps of the world, all luxuriously illuminated in colored-wash drawing, with panes of gold and silver. Most of the maps have a large compass rose showing 16 or 32 directions, and some of the maps depict ships sailing the seas. |
32 | 1590 |
Auteur : Bertelli, Donato Titre : Isola de Sicilia Éditeur : Donato Berteli formis Date d'édition : 1590 Sujet : Sicile, Île de Type : document cartographique,carte,image fixe Langue : Italien, Donato.langEN |
1 | 1590 |
Cartographer: Oliva, Joan, active 1580-1615. Title: Portolan atlas of the Mediterranean Sea western Europe and the northwest coast of Africa Notes: Attributed to Joan Oliva by John Wolter in A portolan atlas of the Mediterranean Sea and western European waters, with a world map, 1987. Pen-and-ink and watercolor on vellum. World map painted on paper affixed to vellum. Six blank paper pages precede and follow the 10 vellum pages of maps. Circular watermarks on pp. [3] and [19]. - Bound in contemporary tooled and gilded vellum covers. Accompanied by 4 pieces of a Latin manuscript on vellum removed from the spine during conservation. LC Nautical charts on vellum, 8. - [1. Eastern Mediterranean] - [2. Central Mediterranean] - [3. Western Europe and the British Isles] - [4. Northwest Africa] - [5. World map drawn on an oval projection]. |
12 | 1590 |
Cartographer: Oliva, Joan, active 1580-1615. Title: Portolan chart of the Mediterranean and coast Harvard Map Collection |
35 | 1595 |
Author : Ortelius, Abraham (1527-1598). Title : Theatrum orbis terrarum : opus nunc denuo ab ipso auctore recognitum, multisque locis castigatum et quamplurimis novis tabulis atque commentariis auctum Publisher : ex officina Plantiniana (Antverpiae) Publisher : Abrahami Ortelii aere et cura (Antverpiae) Subject : Monde -- Atlas Search all documents with this subject Type : document cartographique,atlas,image fixe Language : Latin Ortelius.langEN |
2 | 16 ° sec. |
Title: Maritime Atlas This work is an illuminated and illustrated maritime atlas, referred to as the Walters Deniz atlas. It is one of the earliest Ottoman atlases, tentatively dated to around the mid-16th century. The work contains eight double-page charts executed on parchment. Four of the maps show the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Black seas. There is also a world map and a chart of the Indian Ocean. The various geographical names are written in black nasta‘līq script. A distinguishing feature of this atlas is the detailed approach to representing such features as city vignettes. The charts are drawn in various colors, including black, red, gold, green, blue, deep rose, light green, and yellow. Date Created Around 1500 CE - 1600 CE |
36 | 1602 |
Creator Ricci, Matteo, 1552-1610 Publication Information Beijing, China - Language Chinese Place World Time Period 1500 CE - 1699 CE Physical Description 1 map on 6 panels ; 167.5 x 371.2 centimeters, sheets 167 x 61.5 centimeters or smaller Notes: Relief shown pictorially. Purchased in 2009 by the James Ford Bell Trust for the James Ford Bell Library at the University of Minnesota. |
34 | 160? |
Auteur : Ortelius, Abraham (1527-1598). Cartographe Auteur : Goos, Abraham (1590?-1643). Graveur Titre : Siciliae veteris typus / [d'après Ab. Ortelius] ; Abraham Goos sculpsit Éditeur : apud Joannem Janssonium (Amstelodami) Date d'édition : 1600-1699 Sujet : Sicile (possession romaine) Type : document cartographique,carte,image fixe Langue : Latin Ortelius.langEN |
18 | 1690 |
Author: Ram, Johannes de Regni Siciliae et insulae Maltae et Gozae, cum circumjacentibus insulis Publisher: Ram, Johannes de Date: 1690 Location: Gozo Island (Malta), Malta, Sicily (Italy) |
11 | 1694 |
Cartographer: Romeyn de Hooghe (CA 1645-1708) Title: Carte nouvelle de la mer Mediterranée : où sont exactement remarqués tous les ports, golfes, rochers, bancs de sable &c. : a l'usage des Armées du Roy de la Grande Bretagne / dressé sur les mémoires les plus nouveaux par Romain de Hooge. |
39 | 1859 |
Auteur : Idrīsī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Šarīf Abū ʿAbd Allâh al- (1100?-1165?). Auteur du texte Auteur : Dufour, Auguste-Henri (1798-1865). Auteur du texte Auteur : Amari, Michele (1806-1889). Auteur du texte Titre : Carte comparée de la Sicile du XIIe siècle / d'après Edrisi ; et d'autres géographes arabes, publiée sous les auspices de M. le duc de Luynes par A.-H. Dufour ; et M. Amari, ,... Éditeur : imp. de Lemercier (Paris) Sujet : Sicile, Île de -- 12e siècle