Page 3 - Colantoni_alii_1993
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Sea floor lithology skeletal material. Another source of biogenic
The many samples collected by grabs and, debris are the “Coralligenous” formations which
whenever possible by subaqua diving, have are widely encountered in the circa-littoral stage
shown that the coastal wedge is composed of (below 30-40 m). These beds are dominated by
course terrigenous sediments, while deposits on Algae and Corals.
the shelf are mainly composed of biogenic In our samples, the biogenic content of
debris (algal remains, Molluscs, Bryozoan and sands is always more than 90%. Fragments of
Serpulids debris, Foraminifera). Bio-calcarenites Molluscs and Bryozoan are more frequently
and bio-calcirudites, the cover large parts of the found in the coarser fractions, while the finer
Adventure Bank and Sicilian shelf derived from fractions are rather composed of Foraminifera.
the same lithified materials. They appear to have Strong currents rework and move this bio-
been eroded and locally reddened in a subaerial clastic material and much of it is transported off
environment and therefore must have been the shelf into deeper water. Only a thin carpet of
formed at least before the last glacial phase sediments normally rests on the shelf. On the
(Upper Pleistocene). Tentatively, these rocks can Adventure Bank, which is swept by steady east-
also be related to the “Calcareniti di Marsala” flowing Atlantic water and is subject to W-NW
(Lower Pleistocene), which outcrops along on storms, some sandy ribbons, dune-type
the Sicilian coast and the islands. formations and deposits, accumulated against
the obstacles of rocky banks, occur (Fig. 2).
Many older lithological types crop out
through the cover of the loose or lithified Concluding remarks
biogenic deposits and form shallow banks and The general setting and shelf margins of
shoals that have been reached and sampled by west and southwest Sicily are defined by
diving. tectonic elements within the substratum. The
main NNW-SSE and E-W Plio-Quaternary
In the Egadi area, rocks other than
tectonic (faults) lineations are clearly shown by
calcarenites have been sampled: the bathymetry and morphology.
- Triassic-Jurassic dolomites: NW of Favignana.
- Cretaceous calcilutites (Scaglia): scoglio The tectonized substratum is deeply
Porcelli. eroded. Rocky outcrops in several places form
On the Adventure Bank (Colantoni et al., islands, shallow banks and shoals where rocks
1985) older rocks are: from Triassic to Pleistocene have been sampled.
- Triassic-Jurassic dolomites: Talbot Bank. The sedimentary cover is extremely thin.
- Oligocene-Miocene quartz-arenites: Ante Progradational deposits form only in very
Talbot Bank. limited sectors, while sediment carried out away
- Upper Miocene calcarenites: Pantelleria from the shelf feeds numerous submarine valley
Vecchia Bank, Nereo Bank. and canyon distribution systems.
- Alkaline basalts: Anfitrite Bank.
On the Adventure Bank, localized
- Tholeitic basalts: Tetide Bank.
sedimentary structures indicate the presence of
strong current activity.
The sediments
Sediments are largely of biogenic origin.
Forty-three grab samples has been
analyzed fro grain size. Nine textural types have Outcropping older bio-calcarenites show that the
been recognized (Tab. 1 and Fig. 3). same type of sediment generation extends back
to early Pleistocene times without significant
Sediments covering the shelf are mainly
poorly sorted coarse and medium sands (0-2 variation.
phi), while bi-modal sandy and silty clays In the Plio-Quaternary subsiding basins,
dominate in deeper water. This is consistent with depositional sequences are preserved, while on
their biogenic origin. Production of biogenic the stable or uplifted shelf, erosional phases
sediment is centered in the extensive meadows prevail. In absence of significant subsidence,
of Posidonia oceanica which is inhabited by eustatic changes have not allowed much
many organisms with calcareous skeletons or sediment accommodation. High-stand deposits
shells. Dominant epibionts are Bryozoan, have been erode during low-stand phases,
encrusting algae, Serpulides, Foraminifera, leaving the shelf almost bare of sediments.
Gastropods and corals, which produce abundant