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86                                            G. Corti et al.


                                                      Tyrrhenian back-arc basin

                  N-Algerian Basin  Sardinia Channel

             38                                                                      Figure 3. Simplified tectonic map of the
                                                                                     Sicily Channel (modified after Tricart et

                                                                                     ics is marked both by the ENE-trending
                                                         A A APP
                                                         APP             Sicily      al., 1994). Pliocene–Pleistocene tecton-
                                                              P1b    C               Maghrebides-Sicily-Apennines accre-
                                                             GB                      tionary prism and by contemporaneous
                                                                                     NW-trending rift. The black and red ar-
                                                       *        NB                   rows indicate the direction of compres-
            Maghrebides       Tunisia              Pantelleria  B                    sion and extension, respectively. Lines
                                                                            Vega 3   AB and CD indicate the location of the
                                                                                     seismic profiles reported in Figures 5
             36                                                              Malta   and 6. The stars indicate the main vol-
                                                                                     canic centers of Linosa and Pantelleria.
                                                              *  Linosa              AP—Adventure plateau; P1b—Pamela
                                                      A                              1bis well; GB—Graham Bank; NB—
                                                                 Sicily Channel
                                                                                     Nameless Bank.
                    Atlas                                       D

             34                                  Pelagian shelf

               Sahara Platform
                     8                10              12                14

           the Linosa and Malta grabens. Analogously, syntectonic sedi-  farther northwest of Pantelleria within the accretionary prism,
           ments filling the tectonic depressions thicken toward the south-  testifying to the superposition of extensional structures on com-
           east (e.g., Boccaletti et al., 1987, and references therein), even  pressional ones (Fig. 3). Thus, both extensional and compres-
           if the development of the extensional structures seems to be syn-  sional structures are simultaneously active, as highlighted by the
           chronous along the entire rift (Dart et al., 1993). Seismic and  deformation of the seafloor; seismic lines (e.g., CROP M24) ev-
           gravimetric analysis of crustal structure indicates that the crust  idence the coexistence of active normal and reverse faults (Fig.
           has been tectonically thinned to less than 20 km in the Pantelle-  6). Interference between extension and compression generates
           ria, Linosa, and Malta grabens with respect to the crustal thick-  complex fault arrangements whose principal expression is a
           ness of the Africa plate, ~30 km (Scarascia et al., 2000). The  prominent curvature of the major thrust systems approaching
           thickness of the crust increases toward the accretionary prism,  the region affected by extension (Fig. 3).
           where extensional structures, although still identifiable, are
           clearly subordinated to thrust systems (Fig. 2). In the accre-  SPACE GEODESY DATA ANALYSIS
           tionary prism north of Pantelleria, bathymetric analysis shows
           higher topography with respect to regions farther southeast, as  The southern Italian GPS stations are included in the Euro-
           crustal thickening related to the compressional process acts  pean Reference Frame network, EUREF (see http://www
           against reduction in topography induced by extension (Fig. 2)., where plate motions are reported with respect to
           However, a northwest-southeast-directed depression propagates  a fixed Europe. For our space geodesy analysis in the Sicily
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