Page 3 - MSc_thesis_R A Kil
P. 3

Title             : Sedimentology and 3D architecture of a bioclastic calcarenite complex
                      on Favignana, southern Italy: Implications for reservoir modelling

Author            : R.A. Kil

Keywords          : Sicily, sedimentology, bioclastic calcarenite, cool-water carbonates,
                      foramol, high energy shelf, multi-point statistics, reservoir modelling

Date              : 15/12/2010
Supervisor        : Dr. A. Moscariello
TA Report number  : AES/PE/10-42

Graduation committee : Dr. A. Moscariello 1
                                          Prof.dr. S.M. Luthi 1
                                          Prof.dr. P.L. de Boer 2
                                          Dr. X.M. Marquez 3
                                          Ir. A. Janszen 1

Postal Address    : Section for Petroleum Engineering
                      Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
                      Delft University of Technology
                      P.O. Box 5048
                      2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands

Telephone         : +31 (0)15 2781328 (secretary)
Telefax           : +31 (0)15 2781189

1 Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
2 University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
3 Shell Exploration & Production, Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Front page illustration: the Cala Rossa bay with Punta San Vituzzo dipping towards the North.

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