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and Marsala can enhance the knowledge of the regional geological setting. Previously a research
   project by D’Angelo & Vernuccio (1996) focussed on chronostratigraphy of the depositional terraces
   in the so-called calcarenite di Marsala. A detailed stratigraphical approach is recommended for an
   additional fieldwork campaign in the area.
5. At the moment of writing a project by the APAT — the Agenzia per la protezione dell’ambiente e
   per servizi tecnici — is ongoing in order to establish a high quality geological map of the Aegadian
   islands. The map of Marettimo and western Favignana is already available (D’Angelo et al., 2005),
   however the part with eastern Favignana is still in progress. The maps include several useful
   features, such as bathymetry maps and isopach maps of the Plio-Pleistocene. Publication of the
   remaining parts can be useful to reconstruct the geological evolution Favignana calcarenite and to
   validate the conceptual geological model proposed in this thesis.
6. An improvement regarding the permeability tests can be made by using a portable probe perme-
   ameter. This apparatus allows permeability measurements to be taken directly on the outcrops. In
   this way the number and the resolution of the results can be increased.
7. A cooperation with the E&P industry improves the usefulness of Favignana as a reservoir analogue.
   Information about hydrocarbon producing reservoirs is often confidential, so research in that area is
   challenging. It is worth considering a joint project in case of a possible extension of this thesis.
8. Further research — i.e. core drilling or seismic evaluation — might improve the knowledge or confirm
   the hypothesis of the location and extensiveness of carbonate generating platforms contributing to
   the sediment supply.

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