Page 6 - Maldonado_Stanley_1976
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               sonian  Radiocarbon  Laboratory  for  providing  the   bounded  basins  of  the  Balearic,  Tyrrhenian,  and
               carbon-14  data.  One  radiocarbon  date  was  pro-  Ionian  seas  and  the  emerged  North  African  and
               vided  by  the  Laboratoire  de  Géodynamique  Ma-  southern  European  regions  bounding  it.  Most
               rine  de  Villefranche-sur-Mer.                  workers  envision  this  shallow  area  as  a  prolonga-
                 We  acknowledge  with  gratitude  the  many  per-  tion  of  the  Tunisian-Southern  Sicilian  land  mass
               sons  with  whom  we  have  had  an  opportunity  to   an d  as  a  link  between  the  N orth  African  Atlas
               discuss  the  various  problems  raised  in  this  study.   chain  and  the  Sicilian-Italian  Apennine  chain.
               We  thank,  in  particular,  Drs.  R.  Stuckenrath,   The  different  tectonic  provinces  of  the  Strait  re-
               J.  W.  Pierce  and  I.  Macintyre,  Smithsonian  In-  gion  have  been  defined  and  mapped  by  Burollet
               stitution;  Dr.  Salvador  Reguant,  University  of   (1967)  and  Zarudzki  (1972).  Seismic  reflection
               Barcelona;  Dr.  F.  W.  McCoy,  Lamont-Doherty   exploration  has  provided  both  deep  penetration
              Geologica!  Observatory;  Dr.  Charles  Smith,  U.S.   (excellent  Flexotir  records  of Finetti  and  Morelli,
              Geologica!  Survey,  Washington;  Mr.  T.  Durdan,   1972a,  h)  an d  shallower  subbottom  coverage
              University  of  Miami;  Mr.  D.  Lambert,  NOAA-  (Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution  sparker
              AOML,  Miami;  Drs.  C.  Bobier, J.  Poutiers  and F.   and air gun profiles,  Zarudzki,  1972).
              Fernex,  all  of  the  Station  de  Géodynamique  de   Flexotir  records  show  that  this  zone,  separating
              Villefranche;  and Mr.  D.  Le  Boulicaut,  Centre  de   the  distinct  eastern  and  western  Mediterranean
              Sédimentologie Marine of the University of Perpig-  geodynamic  sections,  consists  of  thick  continental
              nan.                                             crust  compns1ng  a  generally  thin  Pliocene-
                We  thank  Messrs.  L.  Isham  and  H.  Sheng,   Quaternary  unconsolidated  section  above  a  thick
              Smithsonian  Institution,  for  their  assistance  with   sequence of Triassic to Miocene rock units  (Finetti
              drafting  and  processing  of  data  and  samples,  and   and  Morelli,  1972a).  The reduced  thickness  of un-
              Ms.  M.  J.  Mann  and  Mr.  W.  R.  Brown  for  their   consolidated  Pliocene  and  Quaternary  sediments
              help with  the scanning electron  microscopic  analy-  (except  in  some  depressions  such  as  the  Malta
              sis.  Drs.  J.  W.  Pierce,  Smithsonian  Institution,   Graben  where  these  exceed  l  second,  penetration
              R.  S. J.  Sparks,  University of Lancaster,  and T. -C.   two-way  travel  time)  can  be  contrasted  with  the
              Huang,  University  of  Rhode  Island,  read  the   thick  sections  in  the  Balearic  Basin  west  of  the
              manuscript  and  provided  helpful  suggestions  im-  Strait.  The  underlying  Upper  Miocene  units,  cor-
              proving the  text.                               related  with  limestone  and  dolomite  sequences  in
                Financial  support  for  this  investigation,  part  of   cores  and  1and  sections,  thicken  toward  Tunisia
              the  Mediterranean  Basin  (MEDIBA)  Project,  has   (Burollet,  1967).
              been  provided by the Smithsonian Research Foun-   There  is  ampie  evidence  of  geologically  recent
              dation  grants  450137  and  430035  to  D.  J.  Stanley.   (post-Miocene)  structural  displacement,  and  the
              Support  for  ship-time  and  collection  of  cores  and   different  morphological-tectonic  sectors  of  the
              photographs  by  the  Lamont-Doherty  Geologica!   Strait can be related  to major  fault patterns.  Mag-
              Observatory was  provided  by grants number ONR   netic  and  gravity  studies  reveal  that  the  main
              (N00014-67-A-0108-0004)  and  NSF-GA-35454.      structural  trends  are  oriented  west  northwest-east
              This  project  was  undertaken  at  the  Smithsonian   southeast,  i.e.,  parallel  to  the  major orientation  of
              Institution  while  Dr.  Maldonado  held  a  postdoc-  the  Sicily  Channel  (Allan  and  Morelli,  1971;
              toral  fellowship  of  the  Program  of  Cultura!  Co-  Morelli,  1972;  Colantoni  and  Zarudzki,  1973;  and
              operation  between  the  United  States  and  Spain.   others).  A  northeast-southwest  trend  predominates
              Travel funds for  the fina!  preparation of the paper   at  the  westernmost  sector  of  the  Strait  (Auzende,
              have been provided to Maldonado by the Subdirec-  1971;  Auzende  et  al.,  1974).  The  largely  vertical
              ci6n Generai de Promoci6n Estudiantil  (Ministerio   structural  displacement  gives  rise  to  a  complex
              de  Educaci6n y  Ciencia).                       configuration  of  horsts  (shallow  tabular-shaped
                                                               banks)  and  grabens  (narrow,  deep  linear  basins).
                                                               Seismic  profiles  clearly  display  the  vertical  and
                                                               subvertical  offset  of  reflectors.  The  intensity  of
                The Strait of Sicily  platform occupies  a  geologi-  structuraì 'òffset  and  seismicity  (shallow  earth-
              cally  strategie  position  between  the  deep,  fault-  quake  epicenters),  and  the  concentration  of  voi-
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