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S. Todaro et al. / Sedimentary Geology 333 (2016) 70–83           77

          Fig. 7. A) Detail of the contact between the original burrow infill (not affected by dissolution) and the overlying laminated reddish sediment alternating to the RFC cements that represent
          the filling of the zone 2 of the spongy cavities (see Fig. 6). B) RFC cements showing dark zones of reddish sediments. C) RFCs under polarized light. D) The same of C) under
          cathodoluminescence. It is important to notice in D that the luminescence bands correspond to dark laminae of sediments trapped during crystal growth. E) Particular of twin lamellae
          in RFC. F) Blocky calcite cements occluding the residual cavities. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
          salinity, influencing carbonate saturation, under conditions of  parts of the mixing zone has been shown to produce H 2 S, which is oxi-
          freshwater–seawater mixing and changes in PCO 2 associated with soil  dized to form sulphuric acid at the redox boundary, and hence further
          processes. Furthermore, bacterial sulfate reduction in the lowermost  reduces pH (Smart et al., 1988). The morphological comparison of our

          Table 1
          δ Ovs. δ C data for spongy cavities. Blue indicates the value of radiaxial fibrous calcite that filled the spongy cavities; green indicates value of blocky calcite; red is the reddish sediments.
           Sample name            Description                10 δ 13  C VPDB        10 δ 18  O VPDB         Symbol
           CU 80 A                RFC                         1.8                   −1.95
           CU 80 B                RFC                         1.82                  −2.02
           CU 80 C                RFC                         2.7                   −0.19
           CU 80 D                RFC                         0.72                  −2.87
           TS 125 B               RFC                         3.66                  −0.09
           TS 125C                RFC                         2.46                  −0.88
           TS 125D                RFC                         1.88                  −0.51
           TS 118 A               RFC                        −1.44                  −1.91
           TS 118 B               RFC                         1.06                  −1.27
           CU 48 A                RFC                         1.79                  −1.77
           CU 48 A                RFC                         1.81                  −1.48
           TS 118 C               Blocky calcite             −4.04                  −3.65
           TS 125 A               Reddish sediments           1.87                    0.03
           TS 118 D               Reddish sediments          −1.13                  −2.26
           CU 48 B                Reddish sediments           2.29                  −0.61
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13