Page 4 - Tavarnelli_et_al2003
P. 4


slickensides from slickensides from                                          inated, and bedding is restored to horizontal (fig. 4c), the
                                                                             kinematics of these structures is easily defmed, with minor
thrust faults  normal faults                                                 folds and tluusts producing displacements towards the
                                                                             south, overprinted by n onna! faults mainly producing
+                                                                            displacements towards the n011h (fig. 4c, d). The main con-
                                                                             tractional stn1cttu·e is a t1111.1st that detennines the repeti-
a              b                                                             tion of a sequence of fmely laminated limestones, produc-
       N=43           N=33                                                   ing an offc;et of ca. l m . Minor reverse faults
                                                                             from the tlu·ust surface acconunodate additional contrac-
Fig. 3 - Mechanical st.riat.ions and slickens ide s from t.hrust faults (a)  tion in t11e hanging-wall (fig . 4c, d). The overall kinematic
and nonna! fault.s (b) at. Favignana (equa! area project.ion , Jower         consistency suggests that the minor tlu·ust structtu·e (fig.
                                                                             4c, d) and the tilted host tluust (X in fig. 4a) developed
hemisphere) .                                                                toget11er during the same episode of orogenic contraction.
- Strie meccaniche e sliccoliti misurate lungo i sovrasco11·imenti (a) e
                                                                                  The tlu·ust structure is truncated by minor nonna!
le faglie dirette (b) de/11sola di Favignana (proie=ione equiareale, emi-    faults, that produce offc;ets ranging between l O and 30 cm
sfero infer iore).                                                           of marker beds, and isolate a minor fault-bounded graben
                                                                             (fig . 4c, d). The field relationships suggest that these
                                                                             extensional structures were produced together with the
                                                                             norma! fault (Y in fig. 4a) during the episode of late- or
                                                                             post-orogenic extension.

mation. In the footwall of the thrust, ca. l m below the                                          DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS

tilted nonna! faults, the strata dip ca. 30° southwards (fig.                     The results of our analysis indicate that at different
4b). These strata are affected by mesoscopic contractional                   localities in the Isle of Favignana the outcropping strati-

and extensional structures, such as folds, minor thrusts
and nonna! faults . When the effects of late ar·e elim-

Fig. 4 - 0\· contt·actional and extens ion al stJ·uct.ures at Pw1t.a Faraglione (see fig. 2 for Jocation) . a ) The t ilted Favignana Thrust

(X) tnmcated by a sub-hori=on n onna! fault (Y). b) Finely Jaminated pelagic limestones in t.he footwall of the Favignana Thrust. c) Detail
and (d) line drawing of mesoscopic st.n1ct.ur es in t.he footwall of the Fa,·ignana Thrust, as t hey appear after t·emoval of the effects o f lat e ancl restomt.ion to (see fig. 4b for Jocat.ion ) .
- Struttura composita mesoscopica, r isultante dalla sovrapposi=ione di motivi compressivi e distensivi a Punta Faraglione (vedasi la fig. 2

per la locali==a=ione dell'affioramento). a) I l Sovrascorrimento di Favignana basculato (A? troncato da una faglia diretta sub-or i==ontale (1?.
b) Calcari dolomitici finemente lmninati ne/letto del sovrascorrimento di Favignana. c) Particolare e (cl) disegno delle strutture mesoscopiche
presenti ne/letto del Sovrascon·imento di Favignana, come appaiono dopo aver rimosso gli e.ffetti del basculamento.
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