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194                                M. Vacchi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 155 (2016) 172–197
        Table 3                                              CEREGE, France) and Prof. Bruno Hamelin (Aix Marseille Université-
        Ongoing sea-level rise rates recorded by long-term (N50 years) tide gauges in the western  CEREGE, France) for the fruitful discussions. We thank Veronica Rossi
        Mediterranean (source, PMSL, access date, 22/02/2016,
        trends/trends.txt).                                  (University of Bologna, Italy), Stefano Furlani (University of Trieste,
                                                             Italy), Pilàr Carmona-Gonzàles (University of Valencia, Spain), Matthieu
                                Years of   Rate mm  Error mm  Ghilardi (CNRS-CEREGE, France), Marco Firpo and Pierluigi Brandolini
         Tidal station  Lat.  Long.  measurements  a  −1  a −1
                                                             (University of Genova, Italy), Daniela Pantosti and Paolo Marco De Mar-
            Genova   44.4   8.9  1884–1996  1.20   0.07      tini (INGV Rome, Italy) for their help in the compilation of the database
           Marseille  43.27  5.35  1885–2012  1.29  0.13     and the definition of the indicative meanings. The constructive com-
            Trieste  45.64  13.75  1875–2012  1.26  0.10
         Venezia P. Salute  45.43  12.33  1909–2000  2.47  0.26  ments of the associate editor I. Candy and of the two anonymous re-
            Bakar    45.3  14.53  1930–2011  1.17  0.27      viewers significantly improved an earlier version of the paper.
            Malaga   36.71  −4.41  1944–2012  0.71  0.66
          Split Gradska  43.5  16.44  1953–2011  0.84  0.50
           Dubrovnik  42.65  18.06  1956–2010  1.10  0.42    References
            Rovinj   45.08  13.62  1956–2011  0.76  0.42
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