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M. Vacchi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 155 (2016) 172–197       179
          Table 1
          Summary of the indicative meanings used to estimate the relative elevation of the sea-level index points and limiting points for the database. HAT — Highest Astronomical Tide; MHW —
          Mean High Water; MLW — Mean Low Water; and MSL — Mean Sea Level. Note that HAT in the Mediterranean is close to the Mean Highest High Water and typically does not exceed 0.1 m
          above the MHW (exceptions are the Gulf of Gabes and the Northern Adriatic).
           Sample type      Evidence                                                        Reference  Indicative
                                                                                            water level  range
           Index points
           Lithophyllum byssoides rim  Identifiable in situ coralline rhodophyte Lithophyllum byssoides (formerly known as Lithophyllum lichenoides)  (HAT to MSL)/2  HAT to MSL
                            recognized at species level (Laborel et al., 1994; Faivre et al., 2013).
           Dendropoma petraeum  Identifiable in situ Vermetid reefs of Dendropoma petraeus recognized at species level (Antonioli et al., 1999;  (MSL to MLW)/2  MSL to MLW
            Vermetid rim    Lambeck et al., 2004a).
           Salt marsh       Marsh plant macrofossils (e.g. Vella and Provansal, 2000; Silvestri et al., 2005; Serandrei-Barbero et al., 2006;  (HAT to MSL)/2  HAT to MSL
                            Di Rita et al., 2010). Foraminiferal and diatom assemblages dominated by saltmarsh taxa (e.g.,
                            Serandrei-Barbero et al., 2006; Caldara and Simone, 2005; Blázquez and Usera, 2010).
           Open or marine influenced  Macrofossil taxa dominated by marine brackish molluscs with the presence of Cerastoderma glaucum, Bittium  −1 m  MSL to –2m
            lagoon          reticulatum often associated with Cerithium vulgatum and Loripes lacteus (e.g. Gravina et al., 1989; Carboni
                            et al., 2010; Di Rita et al., 2011). Foraminiferal and ostracods assemblages dominated dominated by marine
                            brackish littoral taxa (e.g. Aurila spp., Xestoleberis spp., some species of Leptocythere; Loxoconcha spp.) or
                            outer estuary taxa (e.g., Mazzini et al., 1999; Carboni et al., 2002; Amorosi et al., 2008b; Ruiz et al., 2006;
                            Rossi et al., 2011; Zaîbi et al., 2011). Higher species diversity compared to the semi-enclosed lagoon system.
           Inner or semi-enclosed  Macrofossil taxa dominated by brackish molluscs typical of sheltered marine-lacustrine environments with  −0.5 m  MSL to −1m
            lagoon          the presence of Cerastoderma glaucum, Abra segmentum, Hydrobbiidae spp. (e.g. Caldara et al., 2008; Carboni
                            et al., 2010; Raynal et al., 2010). Foraminifera, diatoms and ostracod assemblages dominated dominated by
                            brackish littoral taxa or inner estuarine taxa (e.g Cyprideis torosa, Leptocythere lagunae, Loxoconcha elliptica,
                            Cytherois fischeri; e.g., Amorosi et al., 2009; Nachite et al., 2010; Marriner et al., 2012b; Marco-Barba et al.,
                            2013). Lower species diversity compared to the open lagoon system.
           Undifferentiated brackish  Marsh plant macrofossils (e.g. Silvestri et al., 2005; Serandrei-Barbero et al., 2006). Molluscs, foraminiferal,  (HAT to MLW)/2  HAT to MLW
            environment     diatoms and ostracods assemblages dominated by freshwater-slightly brackish or swamp taxa and shallow
                            marine taxa (e.g. Colombaroli et al., 2007; Amorosi et al., 2013).
           Beachrocks with cement  Samples showing irregularly distributed needles or isopachous fibres of aragonitic cement or isopachous rims  (HAT to MLW)/2  HAT to MLW
            fabric or stratigraphic  (bladed or fibrous) and micritic HMC cement. Small-scaled trough cross stratification or low angle seaward
            information     dipping tabular cross bedding with the presence of keystone vugs (e.g. Strasser et al., 1989; Vousdoukas
                            et al., 2007; Desruelles et al., 2009; Mauz et al., 2015b)
           General beachrock  Samples that do not meet the above requirements to be classified as strictly intertidal beachrocks  0.5 m  MSL to 2 m
                                                                                                        and to −1m
           Limiting points
           Marine limiting  In situ infralittoral benthos (e.g. Sartoretto et al., 1996; Rovere et al., 2015). Identifiable marine shells in  MSL  Below MSL
                            poorly to well-bedded sandy and silty sediments typical of the upper shoreface or prodelta environments
                            (e.g., Sabatier et al., 2010; Marriner et al., 2012b). Posidonia oceanica beds found in open marine deposits.
                            Foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages dominated by marine taxa (Carboni et al., 2002; Zaîbi et al., 2011;
                            Amorosi et al., 2013). Lagoonal sediments that do not meet the above requirements to be classified as index
           Terrestrial limiting  Freshwater plant macrofossils and peat with freshwater diatoms (e.g., Colombaroli et al., 2007; Di Rita et al.,  MSL  Above MSL
                            2010). Upper beach deposits and terrestrial paleosoils. Foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages dominated by
                            freshwater taxa in swamps or fluvial environnents (Carboni et al., 2002; Milli et al., 2013; Rossi et al., 2011;
                            Amorosi et al., 2013).

          estuary taxa (e.g., Aurila spp., Xestoleberis spp., Leptocythere spp.,  oxygen depletion on the lagoon bottom (Lachenal, 1989; Cimerman
          Loxoconcha spp.). Finding a direct relationship between these fossil as-  and Langer, 1991).
          semblages and a palaeo MSL is challenging because quantitative analysis  The evolution of a coastal lagoon from an open to semi-enclosed envi-
          of modern analogs are seldom reported in the literature. Nonetheless, we  ronment is commonly recorded in the buried lagoonal successions of the
          produced index points using samples containing in situ C. glaucum mol-  Mediterranean's clastic coastlines, in a so-called regressive sequence
          lusc shells, a euryhaline species living in salinities of 4–100‰ and not tol-  (e.g., Reineck and Singh, 1973; Caldara et al., 2008; Sabatier et al., 2010).
          erant of significant aerial exposure (Nikula and Väinölä, 2003; Orrù et al.,  The gradual development of sandy barriers favours the progressive
          2014). Since C. glaucum lives within the first 2 m of depth (Gravina et al.,  isolation of the brackish water body with consequent silting and evapora-
          1989; Lambeck et al., 2004a; Primavera et al., 2011), we associated an in-  tion (Kjerfve, 1994). This leads to significant shallowing and silting of the
          dicative range from 0 to −2 MSL to the samples in outer or marine-  semi-enclosed lagoons with respect to the open lagoons. The depth of
          influenced lagoon facies (Fig. 3B, Table 1).          these lagoons seldom exceeds a few decimetres (e.g., Ruiz et al., 2006;
            ii) Inner or semi-enclosed lagoon facies show sedimentological and  Vött, 2007) and the concomitant presence of macrophytes such as of
          micropaleontological features typical of a brackish lagoonal/estuarine  Ruppia maritima and Lamprothamnium papulosum is consistent with max-
          environment with lower species diversity with respect to the open  imum lagoon depths of −1 m (e.g., Primavera et al., 2011). Thus, samples
          marine facies. There is a dominance of macrofossils typical of sheltered  found in inner or semi-enclosed lagoon facies (usually lagoonal shells,
          marine-lacustrine environments with the presence of C. glaucum, Abra  plant remains, organic sediments, wood or charcoal) have an associated
          segmentum, Loripes lacteus and Hydrobiidae spp. (e.g., Gravina et al.,  indicative range from 0 to −1m(Fig. 3B, Table 1).
          1989; Sabatier et al., 2010; Marriner et al., 2012b). Foraminifera, diatom  We listed as undifferentiated brackish facies (Fig. 3B, Table 1) those
          and ostracod assemblages are dominated by brackish inner estuarine  samples that did not provide enough data to define a clear depositional
          species such as Cyprideis torosa, Leptocythere lagunae, Loxoconcha  environment (e.g., Correggiari et al., 1996) or that showed the presence
         elliptica,and Cytherois fischeri. The presence of opportunistic species tol-  of marsh plant macrofossils together with micro- and macro-fossil
          erant of restricted conditions and ample food availability, such as  assemblages ranging from freshwater/slightly brackish taxa to shallow
          Hyanesina germanica, Ammonia perlucida and L. elliptica, is consistent  marine taxa (e.g., Colombaroli et al., 2007; Amorosi et al., 2013). For
          with a low-energy, organic-rich lagoonal basin without significant  these samples, we assumed an indicative range from HAT to Mean
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