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334 A. Sulli / Tectonophysics 324 (2000) 321–336
Fig. 16. NW–SE seismic line shows in the Egadi thrust front area a tectonic wedge of mainly carbonate platform thrust units overlying
the Trapanese-type carbonate units, covered by Miocene foreland basin deposits. Key: M, Messinian horizon; TV, Terravecchia Fm
deposits (Lower Messinian–Upper Tortonian); mLM, Middle to Lower Miocene marls; Tp, top of carbonate platform rocks.
Fig. 17. The seismic line shows Plio-Pleistocene deposits affected by inversion tectonics (I ) and unconformably covered by more
recent sediments.
Kabilian–Calabrian crystalline units. Their The decoupling and internal imbrication of the
emplacement above the Apenninic–Maghrebian Apenninic–Maghrebian element started in the
carbonate successions occurred during the Early Early Miocene and developed mostly during
Miocene. The already formed chain and the related Serravallian–Tortonian times. Deformation
main thrust front were then affected by compres- reached first the original basinal domains and later
sional tectonics occurring after the Messinian. the carbonate platform embayment of the African
Their NW-trending dissection by right-lateral continental margin (Catalano et al., 1996).
strike–slip faults, during the Upper Pliocene– According to the crustal data illustrated here, these
Pleistocene, is believed linked to dextral lateral domains could grow on thinned continental crust.
wrenching. Deformation and internal imbrication occurred