Page 2 - sulli2000_sardinia_channel
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322 A. Sulli / Tectonophysics 324 (2000) 321–336
Fig. 1. Tectonic sketch of the central Mediterranean: 1, Sardinian units; 2, Kabilian–Calabrian units; 3, Apenninic–Maghrebian units;
4, foreland; 5, areas with superimposed extension; 6, Plio-Quaternary volcanoes.
Fig. 2. Location map of the study area, showing the morphology of the Sardinia Channel, northwestern Sicily offshore and Straits
of Sicily.
foredeep, partly buried by the nappe front in the from internal to external, of the Sardinian belt,
central southern Sicily offshore; (c) complex chain, the Kabilian–Calabrian belt and the Apenninic–
thrust towards the east and south-east, consisting, Maghrebian units.