Page 13 - 2009 Prospero hierae Phyton (1)
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long, capsule obovoid. As concerns its typification, we agree with SPETA
1982 that proposed as lectotype the original iconography of ,Hyacinthus
autumnalis minor" published by CLusrus 1601 and afterwards quoted by
LINNÉ 1753 in his protologue as synonym of Scilla autumnalis. Since this is
a rough illustration, according to the art. 9.7 of ICBN (McNEILL & al., 2006)
it would be desirable to designate an epitype which should be chosen
among tetraploid Spanish populations of P. autumnale s. str.

      Due to its very peculiar ecologica! requirement and its punctiform
distribution, as well as for some morphological features, P. hierae is prob-
ably derived from a detached population of Prospero autumnalis that
likely got isolated as a consequence of the colonization of extremely spe-
cialized and geographically isolated habitats.

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