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                                     STUDY FROM THE AEGADIAN ARCHIPELAGO

                                        Karl Agius  *, Nadia Theuma   and Alan Deidun
                                         1  University of Malta -

           The study aims at identifying the challenges hindering the success of coastal ecotourism within a central Mediterranean
           archipelago  -  the Aegadian one, off the western coast of Sicily -  and at identifying good practices in an attempt to propose a
           tourism model that addresses the environmental and socio-economic challenges of this archipelago. 4 study visits and 40 interviews
           with various coastal tourism stakeholders were carried out between October 2012 and October 2015. Whereas numerous
           challenges to coastal ecotourism have been identified, a number of success stories have been recorded, which confirm that should
           adequate policies be implemented and necessary actions taken, coastal ecotourism can serve as an alternative to the characteristic
           seasonal and mass tourism pattern currently dominating this archipelago.

           Keywords: Coastal management, Islands, Marine parks, Mediterranean Sea

           Introduction                                       green washing due to lack of true ecotourism understanding, emphasis on
           Coastal ecotourism is a form of responsible travel to coastal and/or marine  provision of mass tourism services, lack of awareness among locals and
           settings for environmental conservation, improvement of natural resources and  operators of the full ecotouristic potential of the islands during the off-peak
           to support the well-being on the local communities. It encompasses a myriad of   seasons, failure by locals and fishermen to see the MPA as an exploitable
           activities including nature photography, visiting cultural and heritage sites,  resource that could sustain their income through ancillary tourism activities
           cycling, snorkelling, scuba diving, kayaking, canoeing and bird watching  possibly due to bureaucracy at license-application stage, lack of mentoring and
           (Sakellariadou, 2014). Other activities include rock pooling, walking on coastal  financing for new coastal ecotourism ventures and lack of interest by politicians
           footpaths and observing marine mega-fauna such as dolphins and seals (Garrod   in coastal ecotourism. Lack of holistic planning, disproportionate attention
           and Wilson, 2003).                                 dedicated to the largest island within the archipelago (Favignana), coupled with
                                                              lack of collegiality within the archipelago and stiff competition between
           Methodology                                        operators on the same islands hinder the development of an ecotourism package
           The Aegadian archipelago is located to the west of the city of Trapani at the  for ecotourists. Lack of promotion and marketing of the Aegadian Islands as a
           western-most point of Sicily (see Figure 1). It includes 3 inhabited islands  coastal ecotourism destination and lack of (multi-lingual) interpretation/signage
           Favignana, Levanzo and Marettimo, and is characterised by the largest Marine  along with the language barrier were considered to limit the destination to
           Protected Area (MPA) in Italy and the second largest MPA in the  domestic tourism. Last but not least, illegal dumping, lack of cleanliness in
           Mediterranean (Himes, 2007). 4 study visits were carried out on the 3 islands  certain coastal areas as well as the discharge of raw untreated sewage in nearby
           between October 2012 and October 2015 and relevant observations were made   shores are considered to be other main challenges.
           on any coastal ecotourism-related activity taking place within the archipelago.
           During the same period 40 informal and in-depth interviews were held with all   Success stories included 2 projects which saw the involvement of the
           stakeholders including local people, non-governmental organisations (NGOs),  municipality of the Aegadian Islands and the management body of the MPA.
           politicians and governmental agencies, operators, academics and tourists.  The first project was spearheaded by the agency ENEA and included the
           Content analysis was then carried out to identify the challenges faced by and  introduction of an ecolabel, restoration of Posidonia oceanica meadows and the
           success stories from the coastal ecotourism sector in the archipelago.    publication of two guide books for underwater excursions leading to a 7%
                                                              increase in tourism on the islands. The second project was managed by the
                                                              consortium Vivilitalia and included a broad stakeholder analysis to assess
                                                              current nature-based tourism practices and propose new strategies. Within this
                                                              context four cycling itineraries have been developed along the coast of
                                                              Favignana. The NGO ‘Quelli della Farfalla –  C.P.A.C Marrobbio’  based in
                                                              Favignana has been involved in cleaning and maintaining the coastal area between
                                                              Cala Rossa and Bue Marino and proposed the prohibition of vehicular access in
                                                              the zone and the introduction of bike stations. New ecotourism services have
                                                              stemmed throughout the archipelago and include guided coastal walks followed
                                                              by tasting of local products, snorkelling excursions combined with coastal
                                                              cycling tours, selling of souvenirs produced from flotsam and donkey rides
                                                              through pathways along the coast which are constantly maintained by the local
                                                              forest rangers. The day-to-day of the archipelago’s MPA is partially self-
                                                              supported through administrative fees for licenses required by service providers
                                                              to conduct an activity within the precincts of the MPA. This income is being
                                                              used within the domains of conservation, monitoring and for the general upkeep
                                                              of the archipelago’s MPA.

                                                              1 - Garrod B. and Wilson J.C., 2003. Marine ecotourism: issues and experiences.

                                                              Sydney, Australia: Channel View Publications, 1-16pp
           Fig. 1. Location of the Aegadian Islands off the western coast of Sicily.
                                                              2 - Himes A.H., 2007. Fishermen's opinions of MPA performance in the Egadi

                                                              Islands marine reserve. MAST, 5(2): 55-76.
           Results and discussion
                                                              3 - Sakellariadou F., 2014. The concept of marine ecotourism: a case study in a
           Challenges to coastal ecotourism include island connectivity issues due to bad
                                                              Mediterranean island. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and
           weather and regular disputes between regional government and service
                                                              Responses 6(1): 33-39.
           providers, lack of ecotourism services all year round due to insufficient numbers
           of tourists and the seasonal working lifestyle preferred by service providers,

       Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 41, 2016
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