Page 1 - Allium_aethusanum_(Alliaceae)
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Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat., Mem.,Serie B , 94 (1987)
pagg. 203-207, fig. l , tav. l
Riassunto - Alliurn aethusanurn (Alliaceae), specie nuova per 1Tsola di Favignana
(Egadi, Sicilia). Viene descritta una nuova specie di Alliurn (Sect. Brevispatha) per
l'isola di Favignana, chiamata A. aethusanurn.
Abstract - Alliurn aethusanurn (Sect. Brevispatha) is here described. This new
species has been found in Favignana a t Punta Sottile, on the meadows in front of
the sea.
Key words - Alliurn - Egadi - Sicily
In July 1986, during a study trip to the Conservatoire Botanique
at Geneva I was able to examine some undetermined Alliurn speci-
mens which had been gathered by A. Charpin, M. Dittrich and D.
Jeanmonod, on 13" June 1983, a few metres from the coastline
from seaside meadows at Punta Sottile which is situated at the north-
western extremes of the island of Favignana, Aegadean Islands (ex-
siccata in G). Dr. A. Charpin kindly donated some samples which
were taken back to Pisa for detailed investigations..
An unsuccessful attempt to find the plant was made in company
with Prof. F. Catanzaro from Mazara del Vallo, during a visit to
the island of Favignana in early Apri1 1987. However on 11th June,
thanks to precise directions from Dr. Charpin himself, Prof. F. Catan-
(*) Department of Botany, University of Pisa - Italy
(**) The Genus Alliurn L. in Italy, XVI. Financial support by C.N.R., «Gruppo
Biologia naturalisticaa, n. 86.00564.04.