Page 3 - Allium_aethusanum_(Alliaceae)
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zaro was able to find the station in the same place on the island
and gather severa1 specimens of Allium from it, in flower.
An examination of somatic characters reveals that this plant can-
not be referred to any known entity and for this reason is proposed
as a new species.
The name of the species refers to the Latin name for the island
of Favignana: ~Aethusa,quam Aegusam scripserunt...n (cfr. Pliny,
Nat. Hist. 111, 92).
Systematic aspects, connections with other entities in the Sect.
Brevispatha, to which it can be assigned, together with anatomical,
caryological and ecologica1 characteristics of this species will be the
subject of a further paper.
Allium aethusanum, sp. nova (Sect. Brevispatha Valsecchi emend.
GARBAReIt al., 1979).
Typm: «Italie, Sicilie, Isole Egadi, Favignana. Pelouses maritimes
près de Punta Sottile, ca. 10 m, 14 juin 1 9 8 3 ~A. . Charpin, M. Dit-
trich, D. Jeanmonod. AC 18162. Holotypus in PI; isotypi in G, FI.
Bulbus subsphaerico-ovoideus, 5.5-7.0 x 6.0-7.5 mm, interdum
bulbillis ovoideis pedicellatis praeditus; tunicis externis papyraceis,
ochraceis ve1 spadiceis, laevibus ve1 parce longistrorsum striatis. Fo-
lia caulina 3-4, subtilia (0,s-0.7 mm crassa), 4-5 cm longa, scapo
breviora, apice obtusa, marginibus nervisque denticulato-scabris. Sca-
pus solitarius, erectus ve1 parce flexuosus, usque ad 12 cm altus,
glaber, vaginis foliorum inferne per 1-4 cm obtectus. Inflorescentia
3-12 flora, varie laxa ve1 conferta, pedicellis floralibus inaequalibus,
5-15 mm longis. Spatha bivalvis, valvis subaequalibus, nervatis, in-
florescentia brevioribus. Bostryces 4, bracteis intrapedicellaribus
hyalinis, irregulariter dentatis. Perigonium cylindraceo-
campanulatum, 5-6 mm longum, 2.8-3.0 mm latum, tepalis obtusis
ve1 subacutis, albo-roseis, vena media purpurea in sicco persistente
praeditis. Stamina inclusa, filamentis simplicibus, linearibus, basi
breviter connatis; antheris luteis, inclusis. Ovarium subcylindraceo-
ovatum. Stigma breviter trilobum. Capsula manifeste trivalvis, 3.0
x 3.5 mm. Semina minutissime reticulato-rugosa, bina in capsulae
loculis. Numerus chromosomaticus, 2n= 16.
Allium aethusanum is related to A. franciniae Brullo & Pavone
from the island of Marettimo but differs from it in its bulb, not
covered by fibrous tunics, its denticolate-asperulate (even along the
ribs) leaves and in the cylindrical-ovate shape of its ovary (BRULLO
and PAVONE1,983).