Page 1 - Aspects_the_artisanal_fishery
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A.M. BfLTR,,~o. L. CA:-<M7JARO, S. VnAt F, A. MtLA7ZO. G. NoRRtro. M. P u t ro

 l~ituto di ru.vrchc sulle Risorx- M;mnc c I'Ambi"·ntC' (IRMA-CN"R). Sct. dcll'h-tituto ps:r I'Ambien:c Marmo
                     ('o.;ucro ( IAM('), Vaa L. Vaccllra, fi l · •~IOUi Me1nrn dd Vallo. TrJp.'ul!, hali:.l.

                              MARINE PROTECTED AREA

                                     DELLE ISJ)J.f. [.C ADI


     Stww u~p,•t:/!1 oftlw arti-wmalfl,,/t(•ry /11 tltr f:gnt/1 Jj{QJld~-~.\luriiJct. Ptvlt.'t:l~ti....J.t'c!t.t lt1H'f' bc'('IJ illw.wgtllc<tl,
111.- 11/Uill gc'Uf'\' U,(t•rl by jÌ::t/lc•l'ltU'II 1\'('1\'; tmmmd n!'l~ 4-'')mhùu'(/ gi//nf:M/tllll/11('/ 11<'1, lll()ll()jÌ/(ln/f.'lll gil/n('l
tmd /Hmnm ltmglnw. Calclw.f tl!V mm/,• up In a Jm-gi! •'XIt•m tif.'W:nrput'Jiitloe. Sé-piidut!, fh·m,,.Niulac•, !i{Jllrt·
dtN, Sc·,·rruiMm•. Mu/Jult1r, /.abndtlt!.

    IbJ:J-:gadi J,lands Marine Protcctcd..A.J:l:,a (MPA) is the Jargcst Marine Natura !

Reserve in ltaly. h is placed in thc centrai Mediterrancan Sea. Thc institution of
MPA implics thc knowlcdge of thc biologica! fearures of the area. the protection of
the environment. thc management of alieu tic resourccs throughout the rcgu lation of
fishing activity. A prcvious study has reported thc species captttred around Marenitnll

Waru:l (Bertolino et al., 2002), but arcn' t available other information on totally area.

    Due to its economie relevancc. the artisanal fis hcry has bcen i nvc~tigated in the
framework of the project ' 'Caratterizzazione dell 'ambiente marino, della comunità
ittica c dell'auività di pesca della Riserva Naturale Macina delle Isole EgadiJIIapanil
a i fini della •·ealizzazione del la zonazione c cartografia medinme G IS (AMPEGA)",
eo-financcd by the ltalian Ministry of Environment.

    T his work provides prcliminary data nbout the tlect structure, the fishing gear and
the quali-quantitat ive composition of the catchcs.

Matcrials and mcthods
    lnformation about the tleet structurc was gathered consulting the registers of

the Port Authority Offices. A total of 328 interviews (fishing days per boat) on the
typc of fishing gea r and on the catches was collectcd wcekly during onc ycar (May
2002-Apri l 2003). by means of intervicws at landing. 1\ list of a li spccies ami their
frcquency percentage of catch were rcported both per Trammel nct (T). Combined
Trammei-Gill net (<:TG) and Monofilame nt Gi ll net (MG) considet·ed together and
per Bottom Longlinc (B L).

Rcsults and conclusions
    Ihc Gshiog Oeet io tbc Egadi lslaods is ma de up of 45 boats· 31 ~• t fa\!ignana

2 aJ l eyaozo, 12 at Marettimll Most vessels havc a tonnagc ranging from 2 10 5 1
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