Page 4 - Aspects_the_artisanal_fishery
P. 4


        The combincd rrammcl-gill nct. locally cnlled ''Bardassuni... is uscd mo,tly 111
        ~imo and catchcs both bottom ancl pclagic fishcs. On a'cragc it is nbout
        150-300 m long and is con;totuted by :o goll nel in thc uppcr pari (height 15m)
        and a trammel nct on the lowcr pari bclow (hcight 2-J rn). The maon specie~
        caught \\Cre Boops l>onp.ç, Scomber spp.. Oh/odo ml'lanmu
        Thc monofilamcnt gollnct: ot is madc up of onc transparent wall of ncttong

       whosc nnd has a lcngth of l 000- 1200. fhe target spccics are Spicoro mae11a
       and 5iuccwo smaris during thc spawning aggregation in thc shallow eoast.
        The bonom longlinc: it con>ists of a main li ne. long avcragc from 800 to 2000

        m supportong a varinblc numbcr of hooks (400-800). Thc main targct sp<!cics
        are Spandac.
    Thc lost of spccics caught by arlisanal fishcrmcn include. 62 ta~a. of "hoch 90%

s•.•are fishcs. are dccapod crustaccans and 5°·o are ccphalopod•.

    Thc most frcqucnt catches. by trammel nct, combtncd trammcl-goll nct nnd mono-

lilament gillnct considcrcd togcthcr are resultcd Scorpaeno spp. ( 15"o}. Sepio n.f/ì·
cina/is (8%), Boops boops (6.2%). On thc eontrary. the most frcqucnt catchcs by

bonom longline are Dipladu; >PP· (26%), Oopla<ht\ rulgoris ( 13°"o). Pogmç pagrus
(12%). Pogdh" acom<' (11°o) (Tab. 1).

    The analysos of data has allowcd to givc a prchminary dcscripuon of thc flce1
structure and of thc capturcd spccics and theor frcqucncy in thc catchcs. Thc catch
composition is charactcriscd by a fcw dominanl spccics cspccially per trammcl nel.
combined tmmmcl-gill nct and monofi laonent gi llnct: whilc thc bottom longlinc shows
an high dominancc of Sparidae fumily.


     Th<e .&uthnr~ \olot"'h In 1h.ank Or (j 1:\onq, \lr P Rt:uo. thl: h\hrmxn or lhc ~IO (i&ustppe. p.:-.c::a

and !\1~tterr.tnça PC"M:Ia cuopt:rutt\'CS nnd 1hc mtcn·i<.·wl!n for thctr ac:tlw collabor.tiiOn

llUttOLil'O l'. LO.\IDARDO !i...ASAJ!O E l c\ LI A 12002) - Momlota~:

    gic;t delle p~ pesO' Ile'l h RtU•ry.• Nan•mlc ~.l..atln.l._dcllç (sol( Egadtl.Tri1_p;!ni. Sicilia _<À~Idcn­
    o;,kl._Bw/ .J/<IG Mrdtt 9 ~6S·M~
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