Page 4 - BIR_2017_Balistreri_etal
P. 4

P. Balistreri et al.

                                               5.0  a
                                            ( -2 )  3.5
                                            R. nomadica  2.0  1 st records
                                                30  SN J M M J SN J M M J SN J M M J SN J M M J SN J M M J S 40
                                                25                                                   35
                                            Temperature (°C)  20                                     30  Salinity


               Figure 4. (a) Rhopilema nomadica   5                                       Temperature
               individual abundance in Bizerte                                            Salinity
               Lagoon between 2011 and 2016,    0                                                    20
               along with (b) the variation in sea   SN JM M J S N J M M J SN J M M J SN J M M J SN J M M J S
               temperature ( C) and salinity values.   2011  2012  2013      2014       2015      2016

               temperature recorded on the day was that of 21–22 °C.   Tyrrhenian flow spreading  northwards in  an anti-
               This sighting was made by the main SCUBA diving   clockwise fashion along the Italian coast and into a
               centre within the archipelago (Egadi Scuba Diving,   south-bound flow traversing the Sicily  Channel
               based on the island of Favignana) and was obtained   (Millot 1987), one can anticipate that further future
               from social media with the owner’s permission.   sightings of  R.  nomadica  will be made  within the
                 These two new records for Italian waters further   Tyrrhenian  Sea, especially along the south-western
               support the invasive potential of  R. nomadica and   coast of the Italian peninsula.
               the hypothesis that the Levantine current has a role   Further south, within Tunisian waters, the Jellyfish
               in the westward spread  of the species in the   survey conducted annually in Bizerte Lagoon between
               Mediterranean (Deidun et al. 2011). By crossing over   2011 and  2016 showed a marked change  over the
               to the  western  half  of the Mediterranean Basin,   years in both the occurence period and abundance of
               Rhopilema nomadica has joined an increasing list of   Rhopilema nomadica individuals, since the  first
               Lessepsian migrants [e.g. Lagocephelaus sceleratus   sighting of the species in the Gulf of Gabes in 2008.
               (Gmelin, 1789), Saurida lessepsianus Russell, Golani   Prior to the  current study, the species  was only
               and Tikochinski, 2015, Sargocentron rubrum (Forsskal,   sporadically recorded along different sections of the
               1775), Fistularia commersonii Ruppell, 1838, Stepha-  Tunisian coast (Daly Yahia et al. 2013). For instance,
               nolepis diaspros Fraser-Brunner,  1940,  Siganus   the species was consistently recorded each summer
               luridus (Ruppell, 1829), Melibe viridis Kelaart, 1858,   since 2010 to the date of the Daly Yahia et al. (2013)
               Cassiopea andromeda Forsskal, 1775 and Phyllorhiza   publication within the Gulf of Tunis, whilst further
               punctata von Lendenfeld, 1884] that have managed   north along the Tunisian coast,  within the Bizerte
               to breach the Sicily Channel, which has traditionally   area, the species was not recorded during the 2012
               been viewed  as a biogeographical  barrier to the   and 2013 summer seasons after its first record within
               spread of such species, restricting them to the eastern   the same location in  September and  October  2011
               half of the Basin (e.g.  Quignard and Tommasini   (Figure 4). The latter phenonmenon could be due to a
               2000). In view of the prevailing patterns of surface-  pronounced  decrease in water salinity (below  25)
               water currents in the central Mediterranean, where the   recorded  within the Bizerte  Lagoon at the start of
               main Atlantic surface current bifurcates into a   2012.

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