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110 Paolo Balistreri &Anna Maria Mannino
(Antolic et al., 2008; Klein & Verlaque, 2008; Bal- Sicilian coast: the role played by the vermetid bioco-
dacconi & Corriero, 2009; Holmer et al., 2009; straction. Atti 1° Convegno Nazionale delle Scienze
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Since areas located at the crossroads between
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the eastern and western sectors of the Mediter-
tions of the Apulian coast (Ionian Sea, Italy). Marine
ranean, like Sicily and the circum-Sicilian Islands, are
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more vulnerable to biological marine invasions, reg-
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ular monitoring programs, including public aware-
agopsis presenti lungo le coste dell’Isola di Fav-
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ignana: distribuzione, consistenza e livello di
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sity of Palermo, 39 pp.
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algale associata. Thesis, Palermo University, 42 pp.
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ping by scientists, are strongly needed to assess the assessment of the vermetid reefs along the coasts of
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et al., 2013). In the MPAs, high rates of visitation Resolving phenotypic plasticity and species desig-
could promote the introduction of invasive species nation in the morphologically challenging Caulerpa
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