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Reduced prey availability and nutritional  ber of cetacean species as food reservoir, thus
               stress may be an issue in the reduced dolphin  making them more exposed to their toxic effects
               abundance or mass mortality events observed in  at a time when they are already debilitated by
               several Mediterranean areas. For instance, an un-  food scarcity.
               usually high effort devoted to food search has
               been recorded for Mediterranean common bottle-
               nose dolphin population units that have been  List of references
               consistently studied during the last decade (Politi
               1998, Bearzi et al. 1999). Approximately 40% of   Agardy T., Engdahl S. In press. Marine protected area net-
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               “resident” common bottlenose dolphins in the      serve ecosystem integrity. Conservation Biology in
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                                                                 coeruleoalba). Journal of Cetacean Research and Man-
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