Page 3 - Beccali_Ciulla_alii_2016
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               of context-oriented design solutions. A very interesting work by Čulig-Tokić et al. [12] has
               presented  a  comparison  between  two  different  district  heating  systems  serving  two  towns,
               Zagreb  (Croatia)  and  Aalborg  (Denmark);  evident  asymmetries  were  observed  in  terms  of
               heat supply sources, total network length, supply temperatures and cost charging criteria for
               customers.  In  the  search  for  the  so-called  4th  Generation  District  Heating  concept  [13],
               intended  as  systems  which  could  operate  as  smart  thermal  grids  and  contribute  to
               sustainability  of  energy  supply,  one  of  the  main  trends  for  the  development  of  new
               installations consists in gradually lowering the water supply temperature, so as to reduce heat
               losses and increase the overall efficiency of the energy conversion chain. Ommen et al. [14]
               have  analysed  the  positive  impacts  of  low  supply  temperatures,  in  terms  of  increased
               efficiency  of  Combined  Heat  and  Power  systems  eventually  supplying  the  network
               (accounting  for  different  power  plant  technologies),  possible  inclusion  of  district  heating
               booster  heat  pumps  and  overall  results  from  the  primary  energy  saving  and  CO2  emission
               viewpoints.  Recently,  Østergaard  and  Lund  [15]  developed  a  technical  scenario  where  the
               assumption  of  very  low  supply  temperature  was  formulated  to  allow  exploiting  the  large
               amounts of low temperature geothermal energy and thus converging toward the declared goal
               of making the Danish city Frederikshavn a 100% renewable energy city.
               The present paper, conversely, is aimed at identifying solutions to increase the overall energy
               efficiency in small islands, with a particular focus on six islands in Italy. The ambitious goals
               declared in the above referenced works (like the 100% renewable energy scenario) become,
               for  small  islands,  absolutely  far  from  realistic.  The  state  of  art,  as  will  be  clarified  in  the
               following sections, reveals the presence of different very poor energy uses and an extremely
               low penetration of renewable sources. Then, the perspective of the research and the aim of the
               study  is  completely  different  than  usual:  the  feasibility  of  DH/DC  networks  will  be
               investigated  only  as  a  means  to  allow  exploiting  the  enormous  amounts  of  waste  heat
               currently discarded, with no useful scope, by the power generation units (prevalently based on
               diesel generators) that supply electricity to these remote communities. While performing such
               pre-feasibility studies, the authors were aware that very unfavourable context conditions could
               represent  strong  barriers  to  the  economic  viability  to  be  investigated;  in  fact,  though  any
               waste  heat  recovery  virtually  represents  a  “zero-cost”  energy  input  to  the  network,  the
               extremely  low  heat/cooling  demand  density  and  the  difficult  orography  of  the  examined
               islands could contribute to make any DH/DC-based scenario unfeasible.
               The problem of feasibility of district heating in low heat demand density areas is not new in
               literature.  In  the  framework  of  the  “Heat  Roadmap  Europe”  projects,  Persson  et  al.  [16]
               investigated  under  what  conditions  the  coexistence  of  heat  supply/recovery  options  and
               possible heat consumers can offer a promising context for the feasibility of district heating. In
               another  work  the  same  authors  systematically  approached  the  problem  of  heat  distribution
               cost  assessment,  providing  tools  and  formulas  to  answer  a  very  common  problem  in  DH
               networks planning, i.e. the optimal extension of an urban network toward suburban-periphery
               areas  where  the  share  of  built  area  gradually  decreases  [17].  It  was  pointed  out  that  the
               distribution cost can be estimated as an inverse function of the “linear heat density” (ratio
               between the heat load and the length of the network branches needed to supply the load) and
               it is linearly dependent on the average tube pipe diameter, which ultimately influence also the
               cost  of  civil  works  for  pipes  installation.  In  the  present  work,  these  cited  approaches  are
               applied  to  the  different  islands,  to  identify  reasonable  network  geometries  and  someway
               predict the feasibility of DH/DC.
               The paper is structured as follows:
               - in Section 2 the islands considered in this study are briefly presented, providing sufficient
               details about the distribution of energy users, the installed capacity and the estimated waste
               heat available;

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