Page 13 - Binet_et_al2015
P. 13


               14 countries in the region, show a financing gap (available funds minus financial needs)
               of €700M per year. The financing  gap for the 7 EU countries studied is estimated to be
               €458M in 2014, and it is €17M for the 7 non-EU countries studied.

               As a result, there is an urgent need to consider an increase  in current funding for existing
               MPAs in the Mediterranean region, given that only 12% of the financial needs for effective
               management of MPAs are covered by current resources.

               Current levels of MPA underfunding are at risk of worsening

               The  financial  situation  for  Mediterranean  MPAs  is  actually  worsening  because  the  most
               recent MPAs (so-called pioneer MPAs) present a lower diversity of  financing sources
               and have lower resources in non-EU countries.
               Also, the increasing pressure on MPAs by both anthropogenic and natural causes is likely to
               increase  financing    needs  to  adapt  management  to  those  pressures.  Importantly,  climate
               change  impacts  and  increased  pressures  from  tourism  and  coastal  development  will
               substantially increase those needs and make the underfunding more pronounced.

               In addition, the global financial crisis and budget restrictions in donor countries affect
               the  availability  of  financial  resources.  This  is  mainly  the  case  for  bilateral  Official
               Development Assistance for Marine Protected Areas which decreased by 9% in 2012, 13%
               in 2013 and 46% in 2014.

               Furthermore, institutional weaknesses and political instabilities, especially in the south
               of the Mediterranean, accentuate the financial vulnerability of Marine Protected Areas.
               Despite comprehensive institutional organisation, some countries are confronted by a lack of
               coordination between entities (central agencies responsible for MPAs), which in turn affects
               the  permanent  and  consistent  flow  of  resources.  For  other  countries,  institutional
               weaknesses complicate the implementation of strategic alliances with local authorities and
               stakeholders,  which  are  a  necessary  condition  for  effective  use  of  available  financial
               resources. The absence of local key stakeholders for effective management of MPA projects
               resulted  in high  dependency on  external  consultants  and  NGOs  without  empowering  local
               stakeholders in the sustainability of MPAs.

               Without strong sustained political commitment, Aichi targets will not be met

               For  the  Aichi  target  of  10%  of  coastal  area  protected  to  be  attained,  the  surface  area  of
               MPAs  to  be  created  by  2020  in  the  12  nautical  mile  zone  has  been  estimated  at  around
               49,000 km . Considering current and projected resources over the period 2015-2020, and the
               need  to  effectively  manage  existing  MPAs  as  well  as  the  ones  to  be  created,  the  total
               financing    gap  for  attainment  of  the  Aichi  target  scenario  is  over  €7bn  for  the  12
               countries studied.
               The financing  gap for this scenario is estimated at €1.162bn for the non-EU countries in
               the study (Albania, Egypt, Israel, Monaco and Tunisia). This corresponds to the creation
               of 5,738 km² of MPAs in the countries studies (compared with 712 km² currently in MPAs).
               The  financing    gap  is  estimated  to  about  €5.839bn  for  the  EU  countries  in  the  study
               (Croatia,  Cyprus,  France,  Greece,  Italy,  Slovenia,  and  Spain).  This  estimate  is  for  the
               creation of 34,141 km² of MPAs (compared with 45,999 km² currently in MPAs – excluding
               the Pelagos Sanctuary).

               May 2015 – Vertigo Lab, for MedPAN, RAC/SPA and WWF Med.                            Page 13
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