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               2.3.2  Methodology for assessment of the financial situation at site level

               a)  Survey development
               Data  quantifying  the  basic  costs  of  maintaining  an  established  MPA  can  be  derived  from
               annual  budgetary  information  (McCrea-Strub  et  al.,  2011).  With  regard  to  local  budget
               analysis,  the  purpose  of  the  survey  was  to  obtain  a  clear  understanding  of  the  financial
               structure characterising the activities and components included in the existing management
               of MPAs. This overall understanding of financial transactions arising from  the existence of
               MPAs provides information on the costs of activities necessary to achieve MPA objectives.
               Combination with qualitative analysis of MPAs would allow the financing  requirements of the
               various MPA management systems to be specified and indicate how additional effort could
               ensure the long-term and optimal management of the MPA.
               In  order  to  collect  such  data,  a  local  survey  was  undertaken  that  consisted  of  an  online
               questionnaire to which 20 MPAs responded out of 32 Mediterranean MPAs invited to fill in
               the  questionnaire.  This  questionnaire  was  supplemented  by  phone  interviews  in  order  to
               complete data collection with the necessary qualitative information.
               Sample  MPAs  were  selected  for  the  survey  with  regard  their  ability  to  provide  either
               information on the costs associated with 11 identified “effective” management parameters or
               information on costs associated with their establishment (see Appendix 1).

               To  collect  information  on  the  costs  associated  with  “effective”  management  parameters,
               questionnaires were distributed to MPAs for which data  had already been collected in the
               context  of  the  Mediterranean  MPA  2012  inventory  work  and  identified  as  being  relatively
               “more  adequately”  managed  than  other  MPAs.  These  sampled  MPAs  were  assumed  to
               mobilise the minimum resources required to operate actions identified as essential to achieve
               and sustain effective ecosystem functioning in MPAs. These MPAs could thus theoretically
               provide an approximation of the financial requirements for basic management of an MPA.
               The  survey  was  structured  to  financially  characterise  the  activities  and  components  of
               existing  MPA  management.  Assessing  each  use  of  resources  –  human,  material  and
               financial – helped MPA managers identify those resources that need to be funded to allow
               implementation of activities and hence achieve MPA objectives.
                                           The questionnaire comprised three parts (
               Figure 4)  detailed below.  The financial costs  of an  MPA  include  the  initial,  typically  short-
               term,  investments  for  its  creation,  along  with  operating  costs  (including  administration,
               management and enforcement) (McCrea-Strub et al., 2010) (see Appendix 2 and Appendix 3
               for details of data collection).

                                                                                       Needs assessment
                           Financial                     Management
                          accounting                      accounting                  “What resources are
                        “How much does                   “How are the                  needed to achieve
                      current management                   resources                  management of your
                            cost?”                        distributed?”

               May 2015 – Vertigo Lab, for MedPAN, RAC/SPA and WWF Med.                            Page 25
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