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Ministry of Env.:
g the 980,000.
sustainability Bilateral coop. 32% - Government;
of the (All,Lux,Neth): 21% Bilateral coop.;
Montenegro Protected 647,000; 34% Multilateral coop.;
(2) Areas Multilateral coop.: 3% Private sector;
System of 1,030,000; 2% NGOs;
the Republic Private sector: 8% Local municipalities
of 100,000
Montenegro NGOs: 56,000
Local Municipality:
g Protected
Network of
Turkey - Ministry of Env.:
Turkey Catalyzing grant: 2,000,000 100% - Government
Sustainabilit In-kind: 2,000,000
y of Marine
and Coastal
Table 16: GEF projects in the Mediterranean over the period 2008-2014
The GEF trust fund has triggered national strategies for the creation and enhancement of a
Marine Protected Areas network. They have provided financial support for the first stages of
development of Marine Protected Areas. However, more effort is needed to consolidate the
impetus to upgrade MPAs to the autonomous phase.
The trend observed in GEF allocations is explained by the GEF financial planning cycle,
which is performed in one year for projects that last an average of 4 years. In the absence of
real data for GEF disbursements, the total budget was divided by the duration of the project
(Total amount of resources / N years of project implementation).
The 5 cycle has ended and discussions are underway with recipient countries to secure
financial resources for the 6 cycle (2014-2018).
The 6 cycle, also called the sixth replenishment period, has agreed to allocate 4.433bn
USD (agreed commitment made in Geneva in April 2014), from which biodiversity-related
projects get the largest share of financial support. The GEF is expected to tailor these
resources to national needs based on the revision of National Biodiversity Strategies and
Actions Plans and priorities given by the Strategic Plan for 2010-2020 for the achievement of
the Aichi targets.
4.1.3 European financial instruments
Financial allocations for Natura 2000 from the 2007-2013 EU budget have been estimated at
between €550M and €1,150M per year. These estimates are considered a rough
approximation as the lack of dedicated Natura 2000 budget indicators makes precise
calculation of the EU contribution difficult (Kettunen et al., 2014). However, these figures
indicate that EU co-financing in the period 2007-2013 covered only 9-19% of the estimated
financing needs of the system.
May 2015 – Vertigo Lab, for MedPAN, RAC/SPA and WWF Med. Page 63