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to North-African one, while the Aeolian archipelago shows a composite fauna with
Easten Sicilian and South I tali an species.

        2°) The percentage of winged species in thc Pantelleria, Malrese and Egadi
islands is similar to that observed in Sicily and in Tunisia (70-77% oppositt> to
77-78%) while is smaller in Lampedusa (Pelagie islands) (57 ,12%) and, especially,
in Marettimo (Egadi islands) (42,30%). On the contrary, this avarage is larger
(86,80%) far the Aeolian archipelago.

       3") In the weevil fauna of the small islands around Sicily, there ·are unusual
wants only in part justifiable with the imperfect researchs.

       4°) Weevil endemie species are noted far tbe Centra] Mediterrenean Sea islands
(9 species). Of tbese, 4 are related witb Sicilian species, 5 with North-African ones.
Tbe hypogean fauna (5 spccies witb 4 ~ndemism) is noted only far tbe volcanic
Pantelleria (l species) and far limestone Lampedusa (4 species). Very intere>ting
is the chorology of the blind weevils species belonging to Typblopoms RAMPE and
Coelotyph!oporus SoLARI.

       5") The number of species with prevailing Eastern chorology is very small:
3 forms far Maltese islands, l for Egadi and Aeolian archipelago. The Sicilian-North
African species, very peculiar component of Sicilian curculionid fauna, are kown
far ali Centrul Mediterranean Sea islands; these forms are unknown from Ustica
and Aeolian islands.


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