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Plant invasions on small Mediterranean islands 1129

              particular with Linaria sardoa Sommier and Rouya     The most widespread taxa also include the
              polygama (Desf.) Coincy. Control and eradication   Asteraceae family, which proved to be the family
              measures targeting Carpobrotus species, often along   represented most in the non-native flora of the study
              with  other  species,  such  as  Oxalis  pes-caprae and   area (Figure 2). Erigeron, which is the most numerous
              Casuarina equisetifolia (listed in Table 3) have been, or   genus belonging to this family in the analysed flora,
              are being, undertaken on the islands belonging to the   as well as the genus with the highest number of
              Tuscan archipelago, i.e. on Capraia, Elba, Giannutri,   invasive species (Figure  3), contains some of the
              Pianosa and Montecristo (6 in Figure 1; CoR.E.M. –   most widespread non-native synanthropic plants in
              CUP E79E1000012000; LIFE project Montecristo      urban habitats in Italy (Celesti-Grapow et al. 2001,
              2010, LIFE08 NAT/IT/000353; LIFE project          2003, 2013) and in Europe (Lambdon et al. 2008c).
              Resto  con LIFE, LIFE13  NAT/IT/000471).  Some    E. bonariensis was found to be one of the species that
              of these projects have already yielded  encouraging   occurred on the highest number of islands (Table 1),
              results, i.e. an increase in the number of Centaurea   while E. sumatrensis spread to a far higher number
              gymnocarpa seedlings has been observed following   of islands, even though this remarkable increase
              the local eradication of C. acinaciformis on the island   (+ 9 islands) (Table 2) may be ascribed to the greater
              of Capraia. Invasive plants of the genus Carpobrotus   amount of attention dedicated to surveying the
              are also among the main targets of the control and   human-made habitats in which this species occurs.
              eradication  measures  being  implemented  on the    Our survey highlighted several other examples of
              Ponziane islands (9–13 in Figure 1), within the LIFE   prominent or emerging taxa, such as Mirabilis jalapa
              project PonDerat (LIFE14 NAT/IT/544), which       (Table 1), which was reported recently for the first
              focuses on the conservation of protected habitats   time in the Tuscan Archipelago (Lazzaro et al. 2013)
              and endemic flora and seabirds that are currently   and which is rapidly spreading on the islands of Elba,
              threatened by introduced herbivores, predators and   Giglio and Pianosa,  Lepidium didymum L., which
              invasive plants.                                  was recorded  in 2011  in only site  in Montecristo
                 Besides  Carpobrotus species, one of the most   (Carta et al. 2012) and is now present in several oth-
              common targets of these control actions is Ailanthus   er sites, and Araujia sericifera Brot., which is natu-
              altissima, also known as the tree of heaven, another   ralized on Ischia and Capri (15 and 16 in Figure 1)
              very frequent species in the study area (Table  1).   and is known to cause phytosanitary problems in
              This fast growing tree is widespread in human-made   agro-ecosystems (Parrella et al. 2013).
              habitats on many of the islands we investigated, as
              well as in the rest of Europe (Kowarik & Säumel   Concluding remarks
              2007) and of the country (Badalamenti et al. 2012),
              where its growth is considered to seriously threaten   A comprehensive analysis of the distribution and
              the conservation of ancient monuments and heritage   establishment status of all the species is beyond the
              sites owing to damage caused by the extensive root   scope of this study and will only be possible when
              system (Caneva et al. 2003; Celesti-Grapow & Blasi   the projects currently under way on some of the
              2004; Motti & Stinca 2011); this issue is particularly   islands reach a more advanced stage. It will then also
              relevant in Italy owing to the vast historical heritage   become possible to conduct further analyses to iden-
              present in the country.  Within the study area,   tify the determinants of the patterns recorded, which
              A.  altissima is  also  causing problems  in natural   are probably related to the marked changes that the
              habitats. On the island of Panarea (26 in Figure 1,   landscape of these islands has undergone, i.e. the
              Aeolian Islands, Sicily), for instance, the spread   abandonment of traditional land management and
              of this tree is severely threatening  Silene hiceasiae   the concomitant intensification of trade and tourism.
              Brullo & Signorello, a species listed as vulnerable   Although this overview was not meant to be ex-
              by the IUCN that is endemic to the Islands of     haustive, it does provide a clear picture, i.e. that there
              Panarea and Alicudi (27 in Figure 1, Aeolian Islands,   has been a dramatic increase in the number of neo-
              Sicily), by forming dense monospecific stands and   phyte species, in the extent of their distribution and
              invading the perennial grass-covered prairie which   in their levels of establishment in recent years. It also
              is one of the plant communities to which S. hicesiae   indicates that plant invasions on small Mediterrane-
              belongs (Domina & Troia  2013).  A. altissima has   an islands are a serious environmental problem that
              been successfully eradicated by means of the Life   threatens biodiversity conservation not only in the
              project Natura Capraia (LIFE97 NAT/IT/004153)     Mediterranean biogeographic region, but also on the
              on the island of Capraia, and its eradication is still   global scale.
              undergoing on the island of Montecristo after the    Our results also confirm the general trend reported
              positive, though not yet definitive, results of the   by various studies in the Mediterranean basin, i.e. in
              LIFE  project Montecristo 2010 (LIFE08  NAT/      recent times both the number of species introduced
              IT/000353).                                       and their levels of invasion have increased dramat-
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