Page 5 - Calvo_e_al_1995
P. 5
(Egadi islands) in July 1995 flowering 1l!IC of30'.t. was obsctVed (unpubliShed dll!Jl).
Moreovcr, during tht summer or 1994 high frequence of ripe fruits (unul 4 per
inflo=cnce) was obscrvcd along 1he westem toast of Sicily. At the samc lime.
lcpidocllronolng•cal aoaiysis carried out on onhottopic flowcring rh~omes sincc 1967
did not show prc•·ious flowcrings. confioning that the same rhizome scldom flowers
more !han once and that the in~rval ~twtcn two flowuings is :u !cast lO Y""rs
(PERCENT er al.. 1989).
orDiffcrent foctors plày a rofe on ìllc dyJl9Dlics tbis extremcly complcx phcnomenon
(PERGENT cr al.. 19&9). Aowering and (rujtiog stress could p:utially explaio thc
u:mpornl gap betwun IWO in thc same rhizomc.
Preliminary rcsults ob!alned In San Nicola Bay {Palenno) during a reproductive
event, showed that tbe develop~rent of infloresccnce In Posidonia oce(lllit:a inhibits from
!he beginning leai growth ra~ (fOMASELLO et aL, 1995). Morwver. Posid011in ocMnica
flowering signif~cantly nfTcctS boJh imennediate and adult leaf growth (PANAYOTID!S,
1986; PERCENT & PERGENT·MAR11N1. 1988).
In Sicily. however; flowering Md !ruitiog of Posic!Dnia oc~onica are ~uent and can
occur ev"l}' year. E>.ceplionaUy. imposing fTuiting phenomeoa hcrvc ~tn mstificd by off-
shore pa«:hes (10 metre.s in di.:unctcr) or floating !ruits and sttiklng seeds ond plantul•
heaps. banqucJtt-like, on ~ sbore-Une (unpublished obsuvations or !bè authon; nc:u-
Stagnone lagoon- Western coast of Sici'ly - during July 199J). Nevcttbcless. the lower
limi! of the flowering obsc""'.d in SicJ!y docsn't exceed 17 m (fOM&SELLO et al..
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