Page 3 - Cappucci_Morabito_2015
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                                                                                     Sergio Cappucci, Roberto Morabito
                                                                ENEA, Sustainable Territorial and Production Systems Department

                                                  Sustainable tourism
                                                  and natural resources management

                                                  in small islands

                                The present issue of the magazine Energia,   procedures for processing and analysing
                                Ambiente e Innovazione reports the results   earth observation data, implement new
                                obtained through the activities dedicated   technologies  for the management  of
                                to the Management of Natural Resources    different natural  resources (especially
                                of Eco-innovation Project, focused  on    water, sediment and seagrass wrack).
                                sustainable tourism.                      Part of the actions gained the Green Coast
                                Both studies and interventions were       Award on 2013, a contest which rewards
                                carried out between  2012 and 2015        the project that adopts sustainable
                                in collaboration with the City  Council   solutions in coastal areas, considering the
                                and the Marine Protected Area of          methodological approach, infrastructures,
                                Egadi Islands, within the islets of Egadi   materials and environmental  standards,
                                Archipelago  (few kilometres  offshore  of   innovation and  certification  processes.
                                the Sicilian west coast).  The  study area   During the project surveys, particular
                                is characterised by many ecological and   interest was raised for potential reuse
                                naturalistic  assets, particularly in the   of sediments and beached vegetal
                                underwater environment, where a very      biomasses.  Different scenarios were
                                high  biodiversity is present thanks to   implemented to foster: reuse of material
                                the location and its particular hydrologic   that must be dredged from the harbour to
                                conditions. Here,  the seabed has an      ensure safety of navigation and encourage
                                irregular morphology with many cliffs,    sustainable tourism;  enlargement of the
                                outcrops, sand banks and submarine        port layout; realisation of facilities such
                                valleys.  It  is  a  natural  laboratory  where   as  beach volley  infrastructures;  reuse of
                                the seasonal anthropic pressure is        dredge material in industry; nourishment
                                strongly related to tourism, leisure and   of beaches and the environmental
                                professional/illegal  fishing,  pollution  restoration along the coastline. Some
                                related to urbanisation (more intense     of these solutions have also  led to  the
                                in  the  Island of Favignana); all activities   formulation  of legislative proposals,
                                highly impacting the  marine ecosystem    which have been  included in a chapter
                                and main threat for biological resources.  dedicated to the excavated  material  in
                                The  activities of  ENEA  were  targeted   the book of the  Technical Committee
                                at: monitoring of underground water,      of Contaminated Soil published by the
                                analysis and classification of habitats,   prestigious national editor Sole 24 Ore
                                mitigation of natural risk, valorisation and   on July 2015, and presented to the Italian
                                conservation of natural capital. The actions   parliament in September 2015.
                                have been  carried out using  traditional   The  seagrass wrack, which  consists
                                and innovative techniques, which allowed   of residues of  Posidonia oceanica, has
                                to better characterise the area, define new   been used for different purposes. First

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