Page 33 - CatraEgadi2006
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* M Cystoseira spinosa Sauvageau var. tenuior (Ercegovic) Cormaci et al.
BASIONYM: Cystoseira adriatica Sauvageau ssp. tenuior Ercegovic 1952: l 07 (syntype localities:
islands of the middle Adriatic Sea).
FAVIGNANA: PF [-IO sg a]; PL [-6 sa]; PM [-7 sa]; se [-15 sa].
lP Cystoseira zosteroides C.Agardh
Agardh 1820: 71 (type locality: not specified).
C Dictyopteris polypodioides (A.P.De Candolle) J.V.Lamouroux
8ASIONYM: VIva polypodioides A.P.De eandolle in Lamarck et De eandolle 1805: 15 (type locality:
not specified).
FAVIGNANA: PF [-1 sa, -IO sa, -20 sa]; PL [O a, -l sa, -5 sa, -6 sa]; PM [-7 sa]; So [O s. -l s, -IO
sa, -20 a. -30 sa].~®, as D. membranacea. LEVANZO: eG [-1 s, -IO s, -20 s, -30 s]; Fa [-IO sa,
-20 sa, -30 sa]; PA [-IO s, -20 s]; PS [-1 s, -5 sa, -IO sa, -20 sa]. CD~, as D. membranacea.
MARETIJMO: Mu (-1 Osa, -25 s_,J; PB (-1 sa. -l Osa, -25 sa]. CD ~, as D. membranacea.
C Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) J.V.Lamouroux var. dichotoma
BASIONYM: VIva dichoroma Hudson 1762:476 (type locality : Walney lsland, Lancashire, England).
FAVIGNANA: PF [Mis]; PL [-5 s, -6 s]; PM [O a, -l S, -7 sa]; se [-1 sa, -5 sa]; So [MiS, osa, -l
sa, -IO sa, -20 s, -30 a]. CD~®. LEvANzo: eG [-40 s]; Fa [-20 a, -30 sa]; PS [-20 s]. CD~.
MARETIJMo: PB [O s, -l s]. CD ~ .
SC Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) J.V.Lamouroux var. intricata (C.Agardh) Greville
BASIONYM: Zonaria dichotoma (Hudson) C.Agardh var. intricata C.Agardh 1820: 134 (type locality:
eadiz, Spain).
FAVIGNANA: PF [O s, -l s. -IO sa, -20 sa]; PL [O s, -5 s. -6 sa]; PM [Mi a]; se [-l a, -5 a]; So[-
20 a; -30 s]. CD. LEVANZO: eG [-1 s, -IO s, -20 s, -30 s.]; Fa [-IO sa, -20 a, -30 sa]; PA [O s, -l s,
-IO s, -20 s); PS [-5 s a, -IO s a, -20 a]. CD . MARETIIMO: Mu [-IO s, -25 sa]; PB [-IO s, -25 s a].
CD. p p
SC Dictyota fasciola (Roth) J.Y.Lamouroux var. fasciola
8ASIONYM : Fucusfasciola Roth 1797: 146 (type locality: not specitìed).
FAVIGNANA : PL [-l s); se [-l s]. CD. asDilophusfasciola. LEVANZO: eG f-1 s]; PS [Mi s. -5 s]. ~,
as Dilopht~5 fasciola. MARETIIMO: PB [Mi s). CD , as Dilophus fasciola.
lA Dictyota fasciola (Roth) J.V.Lamouroux var. repens (J.Agardh) Ardissone
BASIONYM: Dictyota repens J.Agardh 1842: 38 (type locality: St. Hospice, Nice, France).
FAVIGNANA: PM [-1 a, -7 a]; So [-1 s, -IO a] . ~®, as Dilophusfasciola var. repens. LEVANZO: ~,
as Dilophus fasciola var. repens . MARETIIMO: ~ , as Dilophus fasciola var. repens.
SC Dictyota linearis (C.Agardh) Greville
8ASIONYM: Zonaria linearis C.Agardh 1820: 134 (syntype localities: eadiz, Spain; "ad oras Americae").
FAVIGNANA: PL [-6 s). CD~. LEvANzo: PA [-IO s). CD~ . MARETIIMO: Mu l- 10 s]. CD~ .