Page 41 - CatraEgadi2006
P. 41

P Valonia macrophysa Kiitzing

Kiitzing 1843: 307 (type locality: Lessina, Croatia).
FAVIGNANA: CD C?>. LEVANZO : CD C?>. MARETT!Mo: Mu [-IO a, -25 s]. CD C?>.

P Valonia utricularis (Roth) C.Agardh

BASIONY:.J: Col({erva utricularis Roth 1797: 160 (type locality : Mediterranean Sea).
FAVIGNANA: PF [O a, -l s a, -l Oa, -20 a] ; PL [Mis a, Osa, -l s a, -Sa]; PM [Mis a, Osa, -l sa]; SC
[Mis a, Os, -l s, -5 a] ; So [Mis, Osa, -l a]. CD C?>@ . LEVANZO: Fa [Mi a, Os, -l a]; PS [O a]. CD C?> .
MARETTI~IO : Mu [Mi s, O s, -l sa]; PB [Mis, Osa, -l s]. CD C?> .

                                    Nomenclatural changes

Chantransia mediterranea Levring
When Ballesteros ( 1985) proposed the combination Audouinella mediterranea, he
did not indicate the page of publication of the basionym so that, according to the
Art. 33.3 of ICBN (Greuter et al. 2000), the combination is not valid. Therefore the
following new combination is here proposed:
AudouineUa mediterranea (Levring) G.Furnari comb. nov.

BASIONYM: Chanlransia mediterranea Levring 1942: 30, Meeresalgen aus dem Adriatischen Meer,
Sizilien und dem Golf von Neapel.- Forhandlingar Kungliga Fysiografiska Sallskapets i Lund 12:
25-41 .

Ulva olivascens P.Dangeard
When Bae & Lee (2001) proposed the combination Umbraulva olivascens, they did
not indicate the page of publication of the basionym so that, according to the Art.
33.3 of ICBN (Greuter et al. 2000), the combination is not valid. Therefore the
following new combination is here proposed:
Umbraulva olivascens (P.Dangeard) G.Furnari comb. nov.

BASIONYM: Ulva olivascens Dangeard 1961 : 27, Le problème de l'espèce avec référence au groupe
des Ulvacées. - Le Botaniste 44 : 21-36.


This work was supported by a Grant of the Uni versity of Catania (ex 60%).


AGARDH , C.A. (1820): Species Algarum, vol. l, part l.- Berling, Lund.
AGARDH, C.A. (1822): Species Algarum, vol. l, part 2.- Berling, Lund.
AGARDH , C.A. ( 1824): Systema Algarum.- Berling, Lund.
AGARDH, C.A. (1827): Aul7.iihlung einiger in den ostreichischen Liindern gefundenen neuen Gattungen
und Arten von Algen, nebst ihrer Diagnostik und beigefiigten Bemerkungen. -Flora IO: 625-646.

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