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FAO/IPGRI Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 110:22-28.
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            Kulturpflanze 34:261-273.
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            Kulturpflanze 35:389-399.
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            conservation of plant genetic resources. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 44:127-135.
            Hammer K, Laghetti G, Perrino P. 1999. A checklist of the cultivated plants of Ustica (Italy). Genetic
            Resources and Crop Evolution 46:95-106.
            Hammer K, Knüpffer H, Perrino P, Bullitta S, Laghetti G. A checklist of the cultivated plants of Sardinia (Italy).
            In preparation.
            Ladizinsky G. 1998. A new species of Avena from Sicily, possibly the tetraploid progenitor of hexaploid oats.
            Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 45(3):263-269.
            Laghetti G. Three new projects on crop genetic resources involving the Germplasm Institute of C.N.R.
            Proceedings of the Congress “Trent’anni di salvaguardia di risorse genetiche vegetali: prospettive e sviluppi
            futuri”, 2000 September 11, Bari, Italy, in preparation.
            Laghetti G, Hammer K, Perrino P. 1996. Plant genetic resources in Pantelleria and Pelagie archipelago,
            Italy: collecting and conservation of local crop germplasm. FAO/IBPGR Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter
            Laghetti G, Hammer K, Olita G, Perrino P. 1998a. Crop genetic resources from Ustica island (Italy):
            collecting and safeguarding. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 116:12-17.
            Laghetti G, Perrino P, Hammer K. 1998b. Presence, history and uses of Lavatera arborea L. in Linosa island
            (Italy). Economic Botany 52(1):129-131.
            Laghetti G, Perrino P, Hammer K. 1999a. Collecting landraces and wild relatives in Neapolitan islands, Italy.
            Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 119:14-18.
            Laghetti G, Perrino P, Cifarelli S, Bullitta S, Hammer K. 1999b. Collecting crop genetic resources in Sardinia,
            Italy and its islands, 1998. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 120:30-36.
            Laghetti G, Piergiovanni AR, Galasso I, Hammer K, Perrino P. 2000. Single-flowered vetch (Vicia articulata
            Hornem.) a relic crop in Italy. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 47(4):461-466.
            Laghetti G, Perrino P, Olita G, Hammer K. 2002a. Multicrop collecting expeditions in Aeolian archipelago
            (Italy). Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 128: 26-34.
            Laghetti G, Perrino P, Cifarelli S, Spahillari M, Hammer K. 2002b. Collection of landraces and wild relatives
            of cultivated plants in Ponziane islands and Tuscan archipelago, Italy. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter
            131: 55-62.
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