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In 2012, the majority of pelagic species  were     monitor areas of interest within the MPA. Our experience
           Pomacentridae (94-98%), with  Chromis chromis the   suggests that few, essential monitoring parameters can
           most represented fish species. Differently, in 2013 no   be easily collected by non-experienced divers in a few
           pelagic species were censused  at  2 localities (Cala   days, working at safety depths (no more than 15 metres).
           Rossa W, Cala Monaci W), whereas in the other localities   This approach is of great value to the MPAs interested in
           Pomacentridae was the most abundant family, then   gathering continuous and long-term data on the health
           Centracanthidae and Atherinidae. No pelagic species   status  of  the  protected  environment  and  in  acquiring
           were seen in the column water in 2014 in all localities.   baseline information for the evaluation of protection and
           Among  necto-benthic  species, in 2012, 2013, 2014   conservation actions.
           Pomacentridae was the most abundant family at Cala   The proposed monitoring method should be replicated
           Rossa localities (Figure 9), whereas at  Cala  Monaci   at  least  two times a  year  to  gather  significant  and
           localities many families contributed to fish assemblages.   comparable data. Care should be devoted to accuracy
           In 2013 and 2014, 3 localities of Cala Monaci displayed   in sampling the same site, in the same month and, at least
           a different fish composition, Labridae contributing by   for fish abundance evaluation, at the same hour of the
           80% at Cala Monaci W to fish assemblages.          day. Moreover, in order to evaluate the AR effectiveness
                                                              it is mandatory that any follow-up monitoring program
                                                              lasts  for at  least  5 years. Improving the proposed
           Conclusions                                        method  with the collection  of data  on the physical-  Research & development
                                                              chemical water  characteristics  of the studied  habitat
           The results here reported, referring to the training   could be easily achieved through the use of today’s
           activities carried out in September  2012 and the   easy-to-use probes, that can be deployed by personnel
           monitoring activities carried out in May-June 2013 and   onboard during dive  time. Hence, the  collected  data
           February 2014, have to be considered as the beginning   can be stored in a database managed by the MPA and,
           of the ongoing long-term monitoring prefigured for   if  needed,  shared with  a  scientific  institution  for data
           at  least 5 years to evaluate  effectiveness  of Stopnet   analysis and interpretation.
           AR in limiting the impact  of  trawling on  P. oceanica   As far as we know, a first, clear indication of the
           meadow at Favignana Island. In February 2014,      ‘indirect’ dissuasive action performed  through the
           seagrass abundance  parameters did not  differ  from   AR deployment at  Favignana is the 50% reduction of
           those previously recorded and indicated high densities   violations by illegal fishing trawlers recorded locally in
           and cover such as those referred to good health    2014. Other management and conservation actions by
           meadows [5]. Differences in abundance (%) of necto-  the MPA and the Port authority -such as notification of
           benthic fish families found during monitoring could   illegal trawling sighting, fishing license suspension, in-
           be determined, in addition to the natural variability of   the-field control, vessel position tracking control based
           fish assemblages [7], to sampling period. Performing   on AIS data  payment of penalty- could beneficially
           periodic (seasonal) sampling activity is fundamental to   complement.
           establish the temporal distribution of fish assemblages
           and to estimate their quantitative variation among   Acknowledgements
           periods, even if the factors influencing the distribution   Thanks are due to the MPA Authority, the Municipality
           are numerous and can apply at different scales [7].  of Favignana and the staff of the MPA that assisted with
           Both the methods and parameters chosen for monitoring   logistics for field activities. l
           showed their reliability in training non-experienced                 Silvia Cocito, Chiara Lombardi, Andrea Peirano
           personnel for data collection in MPA. One-week training       ENEA, Sustainable Territorial and Production Systems Department
           for divers with a good basic knowledge on fish taxonomy          Stefano Donati, Pietro Patti Genovese, Niccolò Ponzè
           and good diving skill is appropriate for a team to                 Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area, Favignana (Trapani)

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