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1. Shell naticoid, uniformly yellowish, greenish or brownish, completely without bands. Proximal cavity of distal penis contain-
         ing a rosette-like system of pleats which imitates or forms very small, true penial papilla. Thermophilic and sciaphilous genus
         more common on argillaceous and marly soils, that aestivates by hiding deep in the soil and closing its shell aperture with a
         robust epiphragm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cantareus

- Shell not naticoid. Proximal cavity of distal penis containing very short, rosette-like penial papilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Shell globose to sub-globose-conical, somewhat depressed, creamy-white, usually with marked brown bands or single, diluted,

         flecked, pale-brown and covering upper surface of whorls, peristome markedly reflected. Proximal cavity of distal penis con-
         taining also a long and slender false penial papilla that surpasses the annular pad. Thermophilic genus with wide ecological
         valence, living in many different kinds of biotopes that aestivates by attaching itself by its paper-like epiphragm to rocks,
         walls, under surface of stones and other similar substrata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eobania
- Shell globose-conical, uniformly greenish-yellow or with reddish-brown spiral bands. Proximal cavity of distal penis contain-
         ing smaller false penial papilla not reaching the annular pad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Penis oblong; penial flagellum 3–5 times as long as epiphallus; crest-like structure in distal cavity of penis extended to fuse
         with a knob-like structure which arises at the end of a pilaster-shaped pleat on vagina wall; genus with wide ecological valence
         (occurring in many different kinds of biotopes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cornu
- Penis roundish; penial flagellum as long as penis and epiphallus together, or shorter; distal cavity of penis with a little crest-
         like structure separated by the little found pilaster-shaped pleat on vagina wall; just before the genital atrium there is also a
         robust and characteristic bulge of the internal wall of the distal cavity. Genus with exclusively rupicolous species . . . Erctella

Erctella mazzullii (De Cristofori & Jan, 1832)
Figs. 9–14, 21

Helix crispata Costa 1829: 106, 111–112 (Sicily and near Naples); non Helix crispata Férussac 1821: 29. — Costa 1836: 16
     (Sicily); Scacchi 1836: 17.

Helicogena mazzulli Jan 1830: 3; nomen nudum.
Helix retirugis Menke 1830: 14; nomen nudum.
Helix mazzullii De Cristofori & Jan 1832: 1 (Sicily); nomen nudum.
Helix mazzullii De Cristofori & Jan 1832:1. — Philippi 1836: 126, pl. 8 fig. 3 (“montibus circa Panormum”), 135 (fossil: “in

     limestone from Palermo”); Aradas & Maggiore 1841: 59–60 (Palermo; plaia of Catania); Calcara 1842: 23 (Termini
     Imerese: San Calogero, on the hills); Philippi 1844: 103 (Palermo), 112 (fossil: “in limestone from Palermo”); Pfeiffer
     1848: 242 (in Sicilia, in montibus circa Panornum); Gaudin 1860: 4–6 (Monte Pellegrino, Monte Billiemi, Monte Gibil-
     forno); Anca 1860a: 312 (fossil: Perciata cave on Monte Gallo); Anca 1860b: 688 (fossil: Perciata cave on Monte Gallo);
     Tryon 1888: 235–236, pl. 59 figs. 54–57; De Gregorio 1890: 79; Monterosato 1891: 12 (Monte Pellegrino, both fossil and
     extant); Monterosato 1892: 13; Ancey 1893: 137; Tricomi 1929: 9 (fossil: Addaura cave; Perciata cave; Vitelle cave;
     Conza cave); Varga 1989: 77.
Helix mazzullii var. zonata De Cristofori & Jan 1832: 1.
Helix (Pomatia) Mazzullii — Beck 1837: 44.
Helix aspersa var. mazzullii — Rossmässler 1837: 5, pl. 22 figs. 295–296.
Helix retirugis Rossmässler 1835: 56 (as a synonym of Helix mazzullii; see remarks) — Calcara 1845a: 22 (Monte Pellegrino;
     Monte Cuccio; Roccazzo; Baida; Pietrazze; fossil: Billiemi; Monte Pellegrino); Calcara 1845b: 21 (fossil: Billiemi; Monte
     Pellegrino); Dupuy, 1848: 112, pl. 5, fig. 4.
Helix quinciacensis — Mauduyt 1839: 53, pl. 2, figs. 6–7.
Helix ritirugis — [Incorrect subsequent spelling for retirugis] Cantraine 1840: 100 (surroundings of Palermo).
Helix costae Benoit 1857: 72–76, pl. 1 fig. 10 (Barcellona; Cefalù; Monte Pellegrino; surroundings of Palermo; fossil: Monte
     Pellegrino and Billiemi, near Palermo).
Helix Mazzulii — [Incorrect subsequent spelling for mazzullii] Bourguignat 1860: 160–163, pl. 22, figs. 1–2 (Cefalù; Palermo;
     southern part of Italy, especially Calabria); Pilsbry 1895: 316, 318; Sequenza 1902: 450 (fossil: Santa Teresa di Riva, c.da
     Grotte, Messina province); Germain 1908: 154.
Helix mazzulii var. zonata Bourguignat 1860: 162, pl. 22 fig. 3.
Helix Quincayensis — [Incorrect subsequent spelling for quinciacensis] Bourguignat 1860: 163–166, pl. 22 figs. 4–6 (Palermo;
Helix mazzulli — [Incorrect subsequent spelling for mazzullii] Anca 1867: 5 (fossil: Perciata cave on Monte Gallo); Montero-
     sato 1872: 10 (fossil: Monte Pellegrino; Ficarazzi); Benoit 1875: 133 (Barcellona; Cefalù; Monte Pellegrino); Monterosato
     1877: 42 (fossil: Monte Pellegrino; Ficarazzi); Benoit 1882: 12–13 (Palermo; Cefalù; Barcellona); De Gregorio 1886: 14
     (fossil: Castellana, near Bellolampo; Monte Pellegrino); Westerlund 1889: 451 (Sicilien, Süditalien = Sicily, southern Italy
     ); De Gregorio 1916b: 91 (Monte Pellegrino); De Gregorio 1917: 381, pl. 124 fig. 5 (grotte di Palermo); De Gregorio
     1927: 13 (fossil: Palermo: Pietrazzi), 17 (fossil: Bisaquino), 20 (fossil: at the base of Monte Pellegrino); De Stefani 1941:
     19 (fossil: caves nearby Palermo); Burgio & Cani 1988: 90 (fossil: Alcamo); Abate et al. 2006: 27 (fossil: Alcamo).
Helix Mazulli — [Incorrect subsequent spelling for mazzullii] Falconer 1868: 550 (fossil: Maccagnone cave).
Helicogena mazzullii — Paulucci 1878: 8 (Sicily).

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