Page 25 - Colomba-et-al-2011-Erctella-mazzullii-complex-Zootaxa-3134
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FIGURE 21. a. Erctella mazzullii from Monte Pellegrino, genitalia. b. Idem, internal structures shown. c. Erctella mazzullii
from Monte Pecoraro, Genitalia with internal structure.
Acronyms in figures 21–26: AP = annular pad; BC = bursa copulatrix; BCD = diverticulum of bursa copulatrix; CD = copula-
tory duct; CLS = crest-like structure; DG = digitiform glands; DP = distal penis; DS = dart sac; DV = distal vagina; DBC = duct
of the bursa copulatrix; DDP = distal cavity of the distal penis; DSO = dart sac opening; E = epiphallus; F = flagellum; FO =
free oviduct; G = penial papilla; GA = genital atrium; P = penis; PDP = proximal cavity of the distal penis; PP = proximal
penis; PPDP = papilla of the proximal cavity of the distal penis; PR = penial retractor muscle; PV = proximal vagina; UOS =
uterine ovispermiduct; V= vagina; VD = vas deferens; VP = vaginal pleats; VSP = V-shaped pleat.

FROM HELIX MAZZULLII COMPLEX TO ERCTELLA  Zootaxa 3134 © 2011 Magnolia Press · 25
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