Page 32 - Colomba-et-al-2011-Erctella-mazzullii-complex-Zootaxa-3134
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FIGURE 34. Erctella cephalaeditana, one fossil shown in frontal (a) and basal (b) view, Cefalù, La Rocca, H: 36 mm, D: 38
FIGURE 35. Erctella insolida, two fossils from San Vito lo Capo, Cala Mancina. a. H: 32 mm, D: 27 mm. b. H: 34.5 mm, D:
31.5 mm.
FIGURE 36. Erctella insolida, one fossil shown in frontal (a) and dorsal (b) view, Favignana, Egadi Islands, Trapani (Museum
of Terrasini, Palermo), H: 42 mm, D: 37 mm.

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