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 & LEITÁO, 1984). Stando a questa ipotesi Scutellaria rubicunda Hornem, subsp.
 linnaeana (Caruel) Rech. fil. Sarrebbe un tetraploide avente come numero base
 x = 8.

 443. Hippocrepis unisiliquosa L.
 2n = 14(fig.8)

     Si, AGRIGENTO: Bivona, Pizzo di Naso, 6-V-1983, C. Marcenó.

     Si confermano i precedenti conteggi (GUERN & GORENFLOT, 1966; FERNAN-
 DES & SANTOS, 1971; BARTOLO & ai, 1981).

444. Stachys ocymastrum (L.) Briq.
2n = 16(fig.9)

     Si, TRAPANI: Monte Cofano, 26-V-1984, C. Marcenó.

     Anche per questa specie si confermano i precedenti conteggi (FEDOROV,

 1969; BYORKQVIST & al., 1969; DAHLGREN & al., 1971; VAN LOON, 1974; FER-


                                        REFERENZE BIBLIOGRAFICHE

BARTOLO, G., S. BRULLO & P. PAVONE (1981). Números cromosomáticos de plantas occidentales,
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GUERN, M. & R. GORENFLOT (1966). Carjologie du genre Ippocrepis L. Compt. Rend. Hebd. Séances

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MOORE, R. J. (1967, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77). Index to plant chromosome numbers for 1965, 66, 69, 70,

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VAN LOON, J. C , T. W. J. GADELLA & E. KLIPHUIS (1971). Cytological studies in somefloweringplants

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                                                                                 Aceptado para publicación: 5-1-1987
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